Employee Development and Performance

Employee Development and Performance


Continuing from the Strategy, Planning, and Selection assignment, you were selected as the new HR director for the retail company and now have been in the position for approximately six months. Your approach to strategy, planning, and selection have been quite successful thus far, and now it is time to address the organization’s expectation for performance and development of employees since these components of HR strategy are critical in achieving business outcomes and success.


Write a four- to five-page paper in which you do the following:

  • Critically analyze and discuss any researched (web or textbook) training process model you may consider for use in developing employees (Here’s an idea: The Addie Model or exhibit 7-1, page 230 in the textbook). Then, identify and discuss at least 3 possible challenges that might be faced in implementing a new training process in the company.
  • List and briefly discuss at least three types of training that can be used for employee training. Of the three, which would you select to train the retail employees, and why? Be specific.
  • Differentiate the concepts of performance management and performance appraisal with three to four key points. Then, make your case to leadership for or against using annual performance appraisals in the organization. Be specific with your perspective.
  • Use at least four quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: You may only use the resources listed in the Course Guide and those that are specifically provided by the professor.

This course requires the use of APA 7 or Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the documents listed in the week 1 discussion or located in the course info section. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Use the Strayer University Library to locate additional sources to support your work.

The specific course outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Propose effective methods for implementing employee development and performance management processes for an organization.

Formulate a talent management strategy to encompass the entire talent requirements of the organization

Formulate a talent management strategy to encompass the entire talent requirements of the organization

Envision an organization (profit, nonprofit, product- or service-driven) with 200 people, in which 20 are identified leaders.

With this organization in mind, write a 6 page paper in which you:

  1. Formulate a talent management strategy to encompass the entire talent requirements of the organization.
  2. Determine the key components of talent management, including identifying, assessing, and developing talent.
  3. Examine how the talent management process is a strategy for a competitive advantage for your organization.
  4. Assess how the talent management strategy should change with the anticipation of the organization doubling in 5–6 years.
  5. Use at least five quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not quality as academic resources.

Discuss the historical context of HR analytics

Discuss the historical context of HR analytics

Post by Day 3 a cohesive and scholarly response, based on and supported by research this week, in APA format 350 words that addresses the following:


 What formal and informal orientation processes exist in your organization

300 words each with 1 reference each from listed below

What formal and informal orientation processes exist in your organization

Organization: Bank

1.  Prior to developing your training exercise, you must analyze your organization to identify room for potential growth. What obstacles or barriers did you come across that made this difficult? How did you determine where growth was needed?

2.  What formal and informal orientation processes exist in your organization or an organization with which you are familiar? What changes do you recommend making to the current orientation process to improve the effectiveness of the orientation process?


Read “The Role of New Hire Orientation Programs,” by Dunn, and Jasinski, from Journal of Employment Counseling (2009)URL:https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ehh&AN=44089939&site=ehost-live&scope=site

Read “Training and Development,” located on the North Dakota Office of Management and Budget website. URL:https://www.nd.gov/omb/agency/state-government-human-resource-management/performance-management/training-and-development

Read “Training and Development,” located on the Inc. website (2015). URL:http://www.inc.com/encyclopedia/training-and-development.html

Read “Training Needs Assessment Survey,” located on the HR-Survey website.           URL:http://www.hr-survey.com/TrainingNeeds.htm

Contrast the leadership styles of healthcare managers

HA405-5: Contrast the leadership styles of healthcare managers.

In this module, you will explore opposing leadership styles found in managers.

In a 2-page paper, elaborate on two leaders: one which you determine as effective and the other as an ineffective leader. These individuals do not need to be in healthcare. Include two (2) academic references and submit your assignment in APA format.

  • Discuss your example of an effective and an ineffective leader.
  • Address the similarities and differences of your leaders.
  • Include specific characteristics of each type of leader based on identifying their effectiveness.
  • Include two (2) academic references.

Minimum Submission Requirements

  • This Assessment should be a Microsoft Word (minimum 2 page) document, in addition to the title and reference pages.
  • Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions. Your paper should be highly organized, logical, and focused.
  • Your paper must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.
  • Your paper should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.
  • Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.
  • A separate page at the end of your research paper should contain a list of references, in APA format. Use your textbook, the Library, and the internet for research.
  • Be sure to cite both in-text and reference list citations where appropriate and reference all sources. Your sources and content should follow proper APA citation style. Review the writing resources for APA formatting and citation found in Academic Tools. Additional writing resources can be found within the Academic Success Center.
  • Your submission should:
    • include a cover sheet;
    • be double-spaced;
    • be typed in Times New Roman, 12 -point font;
    • include correct citations
    • be written in Standard English with no spelling or punctuation errors; and
    • include correct references at the bottom of the last page.

If work submitted for this competency assessment does not meet the minimum submission requirements, it will be returned without being scored.


Plagiarism is an act of academic dishonesty. It violates the University Honor Code, and the offense is subject to disciplinary action. You are expected to be the sole author of your work. Use of another person’s work or ideas must be accompanied by specific citations and references. Whether the action is intentional or not, it still constitutes plagiarism.

Seasoned Styles of Leadership and Management

Assignment Instructions

• Youarerequiredtowriteandsubmita3,300-3,700words report demonstrating your understanding of contemporary leadership and management.

Section 1 (LO1, LO2):

  • Critically evaluate the contemporary definitions of leadership and
  • Examine current perspectives of the roles and responsibilities of
    both leaders and managers generally.
  • Relate your evaluation to leadership concepts, by referencing
    leadership theories and approaches.
  • Relate your analysis to three leaders from the Forbes list.

Section 2 (LO3):

  • Propose a minimum of three critical skills and behaviours required
    to be a successful 21st century leader.
  • Consider specific methods of leadership and management
    development that could develop these critical skills.
  • Recommend how to implement and evaluate these development
    interventions effectively.
  • (You may present your recommended interventions and respective evaluations in a table format for section 2).

Applying learning to the assessment

Topics covered:

Early perceptions of leadership: Great Man Theory born, or made? Trait theory; Situation and contingency theory

• Defining and distinguishing leadership and management and evaluation of the similarities and differences between leadership and management
• Critical perspectives on early theories of leadership

Seasoned Styles of Leadership and Management: Transformational, Transactional, Charismatic, Servant leadership

  • Critical comparison of contemporary theories of leadership and management
  • Identifying and analysing leadership styles
    Recent Styles of Leadership: Authentic, Empathetic, Resonant. Awakened, Agile
  • Emotional intelligence in leadership
  • Relationship between leaders and followers, leader and follower power


Applying learning to the assessment

Topics covered:

Role of the modern leader: Creating vision, shaping culture, driving change, empowering high-performing teams, embodying ethics

  • Identifying the role of the leader from an early stage of an organization to driving change.
  • Exploring cultural dimensions in shaping culture and changing making.
  • Leadership values –kindness, happiness, positive , contagious and ethical leadership.
    Leadership and Management Development: Strategies, methods, approaches, measurement.
  • Purpose of LMD , models and activities, measurement of RoI.
  • Identifying Competencies and skills of the modern leadership era.
    Agile Leadership: Agile, adaptive, resilient leaders, teams and organizations
  • Identifying types of agility, characteristics, competencies.
  • Leaders as learners, learning agility

What should be your focus?

Three leaders from the Forbes List of Most Powerful Leaders

Why are you choosing the leaders you have chosen for analysis?

  • Leadership styles
  • A particular leader
  • Contemporary skills of the 21st century
  • Leadership vs. management
  • A particular sector
  • Your own leadership styles or styles that resonate best to you

What should be your focus?

What are your analysis criteria?

  • Leader’s traits and skills
  • Leader’s style, behavior and approach
  • Leader’s values
  • Accomplishment
  • Leader-follower exchange
  • Impact
  • Sector or field of work
  • Use or source of power
  • Age, gender or other personal characteristics
  • Context

What should be your focus?

• Sections
• Sub-sections • Apendix


  • Articles or journal articles
  • Case studies
  • Real life Examples

Outline the 3 rights of consumers

Introduction What the essay is about? Outline the 3 rights of consumers (2pts.)

Body- State details of the 3 rights of consumers (9pts.)

Conclusion- Summarise your points and you may add your opinion. (2pts.)

Suppose you are working at the Ministry of Consumers Affairs in your country. One of your roles is to educate consumers throughout the territory about their rights when it comes to buying goods and services. You will address the public via social media about their rights as consumers. Write a THREE paragraph essay discussing THREE rights that you intend to outline in your address


What does the term forensic mean?

(1) What does the term forensic mean? What is science? What does the term forensic science mean?

(2).In your opinion, what are some safety concerns that forensic investigators must consider while securing and searching the crime scene? We know the obvious concerns that first responders may face such as an armed individual still at the scene of a crime; however, there are concerns that forensic investigators must also consider when evaluating, assessing, documenting, and performing evidence collection at crime scenes. What are some that you can think of?

(3).One thing I wanted to ask the class is, what do you think about the use of advanced equipment for documenting crime scenes? When using advanced equipment, such as a drone, what concerns do you think may arise from the public once this piece of equipment is launched? Also, new forms of recording the crime scene involve more expensive equipment which also relies on computer programs to conduct calculations, measurements, etc… whereas the older versions of scene documentation rely on the human approach for the actual work, less training (i.e. learning how to operate CAD programs, drones, etc…), and longer hours at the scene. If you were a supervisor of a forensic investigation unit which would you prefer and why?

5). An interesting article from the LA Times in 2018 was passed to me regarding privacy and DNA. Being that this week we are discussing physical evidence and death investigation, what are your thoughts regarding utilizing private DNA companies for methods of identification for law enforcement investigations. The private companies I am referencing are those like Ancestry.com and 23and ME for example. As forensic investigators, keep in mind the difficulties involved with discovering human remains, sometimes skeletalized, and making positive identifications of those decedents. Also, keep in mind that physical evidence can include items with potential DNA on them (such as weapons, bloodied articles of clothing, etc…).

Many would say that law enforcement already has a database such as CODIS for DNA. For those that are unaware, according to FBI.gov, “…CODIS, blends forensic science and computer technology into a tool for linking violent crimes…”, and CODIS “…enables federal, state, and local forensic laboratories to exchange and compare DNA profiles electronically, thereby linking serial violent crimes to each other and to known offenders” (https://www.fbi.gov/services/laboratory/biometric-analysis/codis). Private companies, such as those mentioned above, are most known for researching family history.  For this one just right your opinion of the subject and article.

6 According to our weekly calendar, you should be familiar with “Physical Evidence”. One important concept in the is understanding “class” versus “individual” characteristics of evidence. Based on your reading and understanding of this concept, can a piece of tape ever contain individual characteristics? Give a “yes” or “no” response in this discussion thread and defend please your answer.

Drug trafficking

Research assignment: Drug trafficking

The following guidelines are provided:

This assignment consists of researching the topic selected from the research topics in Week One/Two Modules. Please choose your topic and post in the Discussion labeled “Research topics” by the end of Week Two. Provide the information you find in the paper assignment. Make sure to do your own work and provide a reference page citing where you found the information.

Minimum of 3 pages in length, plus a title page and a reference page (5 total pages)

Papers should include an introduction, body and conclusion.

12-point font using Times New Roman

1” margins, doubled spaced

APA format

At least three sources, must be used. Wikipedia may not be used as a resource. Sources must be scholarly and be published within the last 10 years.

All sources must be properly listed and identified in a reference page in alphabetical order.

Proper grammar and spelling is required.

Assignment MUST be submitted under the weekly module in the link labeled research assignment, papers sent via email will not be accepted.

Summarize the constitutional basis for criminal procedure.

Summarize the constitutional basis for criminal procedure.

This week, we learned about the foundations of criminal procedure, some remedies available to criminal defendants, as well as the concepts of probable cause and reasonable suspicion. For your Unit 1 Complete assignment, write a narrative essay (minimum 1200 words) in which you address and discuss the questions and statements listed below. Use at least three scholarly sources and remember to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the READ and ATTEND sections in your essay. Cite your sources in APA format.

  • Summarize the constitutional basis for criminal procedure.
  • Explain the exclusionary rule and the exceptions to it. Likewise, summarize the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine and the exceptions to it.
  • Explain the defense of qualified immunity.
  • What is reasonable suspicion and when is it used?
  • Define probable cause and identify several sources of information that a police officer can rely on to make the probable cause determination
  • Are the remedies introduced in this Unit sufficient to deter police misconduct? Why or why not? What other remedy, if any, would you propose?