Do you think Article 231 of the treaty was fair? What were the potential consequences of this “war guilt” clause? 

The Treaty of Versailles was signed in June of 1919, and laid the foundations for the postwar (or interwar) years.

In this assignment, you will be asked to read two excerpts from the Treaty of Versailles and respond to the questions below.

Excerpt #1: Article 231

“The Allied and Associated Governments affirm and Germany accepts the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied and Associated Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of the war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her allies.”

Excerpt #2: Article 235

“In order to enable the Allied and Associated Powers to proceed at once to the restoration of their industrial and economic life, pending the full determination of their claims, Germany shall pay in such installments and in such manner (whether in gold, commodities, ships, securities or otherwise) as the Reparation Commission may fix, during 1919, 1920 and the first four months Of 1921 , the equivalent of 20,000,000,000 gold marks. Out of this sum the expenses of the armies of occupation subsequent to the Armistice of November 11, 1918, shall first be met, and such supplies of food and raw materials as may be judged by the Governments of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers to be essential to enable Germany to meet her obligations for reparation may also, with the approval of the said Governments, be paid for out of the above sum.”


  1. What is stated here in the first excerpt, and how does it relate to the war?
  2. Do you think Article 231 of the treaty was fair? What were the potential consequences of this “war guilt” clause?
  3. Article 235 addresses reparations. What are reparations and what is their moral purpose?
  4. What spirit of resentment did these articles of the Treaty have the potential to create with Germany?

 Art selected from a certain time and place for its significance in history

you should be able to come up with a 1 page of information that shows that you researched the topic using the suggested questions associated with your chosen methodology or methodologies.

Historical Survey: Art selected from a certain time and place for its significance in history. (attached down )

(Old/New) Historicism: Works selected as representative of making a significant cultural contribution based on historical criteria, theories of art, aesthetics, etc.

1. Gather together other catalogs, books, articles, art criticism or other specialist writings that are related to the works you are considering for your historicist exhibition, especially as they relate to the themes of commemoration, heritage and the value of continuing traditions.

2. Take note of how the works in your exhibition continue a previous tradition or traditions as well as what they add to those traditions, how they revise our understandings of those traditions, etc.

3. The works selected for your exhibition should highlight those elements which are considered to be key symbols, themes, or concerns even if they include a uniquely contemporary twist.

4. Include a healthy mix of major and minor works by a healthy cross-section of artists and don’t make a historical survey too narrow in its selections or content.

review of literature related to the unique needs of providing service to clients who have been incarcerated or have criminal charges pending.

review of literature related to the unique needs of providing service to clients who have been incarcerated or have criminal charges pending.



Literature Review

Conduct a review of literature related to the unique needs of providing service to clients who have been incarcerated or have criminal charges pending. Analyze the challenges a human services provider would have in providing services to these clients. Include in your analysis any potential ethical issues you might face in providing services. Identify how you would manage or address these issues. Your paper should be 1,400-1,750 words (four-five pages) in length and should be supported by two scholarly sources.

APA 6th edition format is required for this assignment.

Write an essay discussing your thoughts about faith integration in human services.

Please write a 3-page essay discussing your thoughts about faith integration in human services.  You are welcome to include more than the following questions, but be sure to at least address these questions in your essay:  Does your personal faith align with the concept of human services?  If so, what do you mean?  If not, why?  Be sure to give examples of how your faith aligns (or doesn’t align) with human services.  What are three verses from Scripture that resonate with you as you prepare for a career in human services?  What does Scripture have to say about helping others?  Who is one biblical character you think could benefit from working with a human service professional?  If you were serving this character, what would you do to help?
Your essay should be 3 pages of text, plus a title page and reference page.  Your paper should be in proper APA format (if you are unsure of APA formatting, please reference the materials provided in the Week 0 learning activity).  Your essay should include at least 3 peer-reviewed references, which should be cited in your essay.  You are welcome to use the Neukrug text and any published journal articles.  Websites are not considered valid references in academic work.

Women Trailblazers.

Module 3 Project Assignment

Submit Assignment

  • Points 20
  • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload

The theme for this project is “Women Trailblazers.”   Read Chapters 9 and 10 in America’s Women (pages 188-237).

READ CHAPTER 9 AND TEN- You will create a Top 6 list of women from  that you believe are Women Trailblazers FROM THOSE TWO CHAPTERS

For each woman, you will write a paragraph explaining what she did and why her actions make her noteworthy.

Minimum Requirements:

Six women from the Module content clearly identified.

Explanation of what each woman did- accomplishments, achievements, notoriety, etc.

Justification for placing her on your Top 6 List included.

Each of the six paragraphs should be AT LEAST 250 words.

Assignment is typed and submitted as a Word Document or similar format (if you really want to get crazy, you can include photographs of your Top 6, but that is not required).

Write a summary of what you discovered on your exploration.

For this assignment, we have assigned each of you to one of the areas listed at the bottom of this page.

Part 1–Discovery: Click on the link to your website. Spend about 20 minutes investigating the information presented. Write a summary of what you discovered on your exploration.

Services & Campus Resources:


Summarize what you discovered – Include

  • the name of the department,
  • the information presented on the website,
  • the value or importance the information has for a role of a professor at the college.
  • Why is this an important organization to know as a professor and how can this organization help you as a professor

prepare a presentation that highlights SEI historical and legal foundations, cultural competency, home and school collaboration tips, and strategies for working with EL students.

Scenario: Your elementary school has recently had an influx of EL students. For the upcoming parent orientation, your principal has asked you to prepare a presentation that highlights SEI historical and legal foundations, cultural competency, home and school collaboration tips, and strategies for working with EL students. Your audience contains teachers, staff, and parents.

Research the laws and court decisions listed below. Each of these has provided an important foundation for current policies regarding the education of English learners (ELs).

  • Lau v. Nichols (1974)
  • Castañeda v. Pickard (1981)
  • Plyler v. Doe (1982)
  • Flores v. Arizona
  • Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
  • Title III
  • Title VI
  • Proposition 203
  • House Bill 2010
  • House Bill 2064

Select the law or court decision from the list that you feel has had the greatest impact on English language education.

Create a 12- to 15-slide presentation that includes the following:

  • An overview of the historical background of the law or court decision you selected and how it has influenced current trends and issues in English language education
  • An explanation of the implications that the law or court decision may present to your EL program
  • Brief descriptions of the different special populations (e.g., refugees, migrants, immigrants, SIFEs, RAELs, LTELs) that make up the EL student demographic
  • Factors that may influence EL students’ language acquisition
  • Sociocultural influences on elementary EL students in the classroom
  • The role of cultural competency in English language instruction
  • Strategies on how to develop cultural responsiveness
  • Tips on how to create a safe and inclusive environment for English learners
  • Strategies and resources for cultivating family and community engagement practices

Include speaker notes and a slide with APA-formatted references in your presentation.

Ethical practices are an integral part of the early childhood education field.

Ethical practices are an integral part of the early childhood education field. Creating learning environments that are safe, appropriate, and professional go hand in hand with ethical practices. Ethics guide our sense of integrity, honesty, and courage, and provide the impetus to design developmentally appropriate environments for young children. Ethical practices also guide us to act in ethical ways on behalf of the children and families we serve.

Ethics call on early childhood professionals to put children’s needs first and to be mindful of the important role we play in their lives. Ethics help us to engage with children and families in respectful and equitable ways, keep them safe from harm, and support their growth and development in all the learning domains.

Ethics require educators and caregivers/providers to work closely with families and co-workers to communicate, make decisions, and work on behalf of each child’s best interest. Our actions can leave a lasting impression on both children and families and therefore require us to reach for and maintain high levels of quality, intentionality, excellence, and professionalism both in and out of the classroom.

For this module’s discussion forum, review the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct Supplement for Early Childhood Adult Educators and respond to the following ethical dilemma.

Ethical Dilemma

Imagine that you are working in an early childhood education setting that serves a diverse population of students. Enrolled in your class (or program if you are a Director) are boys and girls, children who speak English and other languages, children with identified special needs, and children from diverse cultural backgrounds. If you are a nanny, imagine that you are talking with the parents that you work for about some of the families you have met at the park.

During break one day (or during a conversation with the parents) you realize that your co-workers (or parents) have strong feelings about some the families that you work with. There are several Somali families enrolled at your Center now (or at the park) and you overhear one person in particular talking about the families. You are surprised to hear them use negative terms to describe the family, such as “weird,” “unusual,” and “scary.”

A few days later, after one of the Somali families drops their child off at your center (or after encountering Somali families at the park), your co-worker (or the parent) starts to talk about the family. “They are so strange. Did you see what they were wearing? Did you smell their clothes? No wonder their kids don’t have any friends here. They should go back to their own country.”

What should you do? What is the most ethical way to handle the situation? Would you try to talk with your co-worker (or the parents if you are a nanny) yourself? Would you share what you’ve overheard with your Program Director or course instructor? Would you say something to the children who may have overheard the conversation?

What are the advantages of a four day workweek


Some companies and municipalities are switching to a four-day workweek to reduce traffic congestion, air pollution, and stress for employees. Compressing the workweek into four 10 hour days sounds pretty good to you. You would much prefer having Friday free to schedule medical appointments and take care of family business, in addition to leisurely three-day weekends.

As a manager at skin essentials, a mineral-based skincare products and natural cosmetics company, you are convinced that the company’s 200 employees could switch to a four-day workweek with many resulting benefits. For one thing, they would save on gasoline and commute time. You know that many cities and companies have already implemented a four-day workweek with considerable success. You took a quick poll of immediate employees and managers and found that 80% thought that a four-day workweek was a thought that a four-day workweek was a good idea.

Service delivery methods

The collaboration and communication that you create and sustain within a school site will be partially determined by the type of service delivery model that is utilized. See the Instructor Guidance page for specific information regarding the following service delivery models:

  • Collaborative Teaming
  • Co-teaching
  • Complementary Instruction
  • Role Exchange
  • Consulting

Initial Post: Using the textbook and at least one scholarly source:

  • Explain in two to three paragraphs how different service delivery models promote a variety of roles for the team members who provide collaborative academic support for students with disabilities.


Cohen, L. G., & Spenciner, L. J. (2009). Teaching students with mild and moderate disabilities: Research-based practices. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.



Meier, J. D. (2011). Five conflict management styles at a glance (Links to an external site.)Sources of Insight. Retrieved from

Thomas, K. & Kilmann, R. (N.D.) Thomas Kilmann conflict mode instrument. (Links to an external site.)Retrieved from!thomas-kilman-conflict%20english%20original.pdf

wikiHow (n.d.). How to give a feedback sandwich (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from

Yu, C. (2014). 10 examples & non-examples of differentiated instruction (Links to an external site.). Teachthought. Retrieved from

  • Identify at least one strength and one weakness for each of the models.
  • Provide a complete APA 6th edition formatted citation, including the database where you retrieved the article.