Entries by Sarah Kaelo

ccording to your reading, the Chinese Exclusion Act set a precedent regarding immigration based on race or national origin

This week we read about American expansion abroad and belief in the “white man’s burden” to civilize backward nations and spread American libertas throughout the world. However, along the homefront, we learned that things were much different. In 1882, the government passed the first legislation that restricted immigration based on national origin and race. By […]

Rubric: Workshop Answer Responses

historydue   Rubric: Workshop Answer Responses Each responder (the student responding to their classmate’s post) is required to conduct two responses on any of their classmate’s thread posts for the weekly workshop. Minimum 50 words each answer. 1. Read the Workshop thread post from your classmates with an open mind; think critically about what you will write, and which post […]

Referendums as a Swiss instrument of democracy?

Referendums as a Swiss instrument of democracy? example: A referendum permits all citizens, via the petition method, to submit actions of the Legislature to the ballot prior to these turning into law. The referendum also allows the Legislature to submit regulation to the electorate for consent or dismissal. Voting in a referendum is like voting in the […]

The Visible and Invisible Worlds of Salem

This week you will be reading a chapter from After the Fact called, The Visible and Invisible Worlds of Salem. It focuses on the growing pains that many communities in the colonies were facing (they were no longer the same as when they were founded), and in the case of Salem these tensions exploded into the violent persecution […]

What are some formal properties of African American language?   

What are some formal properties of African American language? The Story of English:  Black on White” Write 2-3 pages (at least 500 words.  Write double spaced in essay format. Cite Haviland with page numbers and refer to the video by its title. Below is the video guide (again) and the essay question for this assignment. Video Guide […]

how does the author describe their current view of the United States,  its taxation system, job opportunities, freedom of religion, and governmental checks and balances?

Please answer the following questions by posting your answers below. Respond to each of the following questions with a few sentences per answer. Your analysis should be well thought out, finely edited, and informative. Think of this as weekly practice for your examination writing. Grading rubric found in upper right-hand corner of this assignment by […]

explain four factors that led to the increased industrialization and the growth of big business in the United States between 1870 and 1900. 

explain four factors that led to the increased industrialization and the growth of big business in the United States between 1870 and 1900.  Complete the question below and submit your word document to Turnitin.  You are allowed to use your textbook and reader – BUT make sure that you document ALL of the information used from those sources. Basic Directions: Minimum of […]

Truman Doctrine was a milestone in American History

ccording to the Podcast who was the architect of the Truman Doctrine. Cite from the Podcast how the Truman Doctrine was a milestone in American History list at least 3 ways and cite the source. According to the Podcast what was the Marshall Plan and how was it different from the Truman Doctrine? Based on what you […]

Are DuBois’ ideas still relevant in the 21st century?

Are DuBois’ ideas still relevant in the 21st century? How did Booker T. Washington think that blacks could improve their circumstances in the South? What did he ask them to give up, at least temporarily? Did Booker T. Washington’s ideas have merit then and what lessons if any might they contain for 21st century African […]

Liberty Challenged in Nineteenth Century America Thesis

Assignment 2.1: Liberty Challenged in Nineteenth Century America Thesis and Outline Due Week 7 and worth 50 points America became a free independent nation. With the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783, the former mother country, England, recognized that its children, the colonies, were now on their own. A constitutional republic was birthed, and […]