You have been asked to consult with the Warm Delight marketing team.
Unit 8: Application Assignment
Mini-case studies: The students are expected to answer the questions associated with the case. These questions are intended to elicit thoughtful reactions to contemporary marketing strategy initiatives and challenges. The students are expected to carefully read the assignment instructions, then thoroughly and explicitly address each component of the corresponding case study questions.
The responses should reflect higher level cognitive processing (analysis, synthesis, and evaluation), which is essential for someone in any industry, as marketing decisions affect all levels and stakeholders within the organization and in the external marketplace/marketspace.
There is no minimum number of references that need to be utilized to support the completion of this assignment; however, it is generally understood that any good case study analysis will incorporate the appropriate quality and quantity of scholarly sources to support any suppositions and recommendations.
The submission will not exceed four (4) pages in length, excluding the title and references pages.
The document must adhere to the APA writing style.
Finally, the document should be prepared as a Microsoft Word document and uploaded to Submit Assignment.
Case Study – General Mills Warm Delights – Indulgent, Delicious, and Gooey!
1. Read the case on pages 647-649 in your text.
2. Watch the video supplement to the case at link tv/13e/v22-5 (Links to an external site.).
3. Respond to the following case question. (Disregard the questions in the text.)
You have been asked to consult with the Warm Delight marketing team. They are specifically looking to grow this brand in terms of product line and brand extensions. In your suggestions, specify:
1. The target market you would pursue with your plan
2. The potential opportunities and hindrances of the target market
3. How you would position or re-position Warm Delights in that market place
4. The product changes you would recommend to increase sales of Warm Delights