Why did Robert Newsom purchase Celia?
Response Assignment 20% of course grade
DIRECTIONS: This assignment is a response to Melton A. McLaurin’s Celia, A Slave. To complete this assignment, you must fully answer the below short-answer questions using specific details from the book. YOU ARE ONLY ALLOWED TO USE THE BOOK—ANY USE OF OUTSIDE SOURCES (INCLUDING INTERNET SOURCES) WILL RESULT IN A POINT DEDUCTION OF AT LEAST TEN PERCENTAGE POINTS (AND COULD POSSIBLY RESULT IN A ZERO)! Remember that the purpose of this assignment is to make sure you have read and understood the book, so be as specific as possible and avoid vagueness! You should write a full paragraph (10-15 sentences sentences) for each question. Each question is worth 20 points, for a total of 100 points (25% of your course grade). Please use this sheet and TYPE your answers. To submit this assignment, you must submit as a Word document (.doc or .docx)
1. Why did Robert Newsom purchase Celia? What evidence do we have to prove his intentions with purchasing Celia?
2. Describe the final moments between Newsom and Celia. What did Celia do and how did she try to cover it up?
3. Discuss the relationship between Celia and George. What role did George play in the events that unfolded after Newsom’s disappearance?
4. Describe Celia’s defense attorney and his strategy during the trial. Did his strategy work? Why or why not? What was the jury’s verdict?
5. What broader conclusions does the author draw from the case of Celia? What conclusions can be drawn from the case about the institution of slavery and the racial hierarchy in the South?