*Who’s Imam Hussain? Famous persons quote about Imam Hussain?
The Road, to Karbala
*Who’s Imam Hussain? Famous persons quote about Imam Hussain? ( sexy opener )
*Who was the first visitor to Imam Hussain Grave “shrine”?
*Why people from different faiths go to the Arba’een Pilgrimage?
*Why do Shia Muslims revive Arba’een rituals? And do they do it only in Iraq or everywhere?
*1090 years mourning in streets, what is the bloody rain?
*Since the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain, how many time this pilgrimage has been Stopped for visiting Imam Hussain shrine? And what were Karbala trips costs in history?
*How many times Imam Hussain’s shrine exposure to the invasion, when, and By who?
* Arba’een gathering statics back then till now? And why major global media kept this event silent?
Useful sources
the research paper is supposed to have 15 primary sources and 2 secondary sources
*for the intro it should be a one page contain the following :
1-“SEXY OPENER”: a story or a quote
2-broad statement
3-Narrowing statements
4-Thesis statement
*The Body is supposed to be 6 pages
*The conclusion is supposed to be 1 page and contain a: “sexy closer”
The paper is analytical, not descriptive. Above all, it is a “source-driven” paper. This assignment hones students’ abilities to analyze causality and to support their analyses (thesis statement or “argument”) from primary sources.
Do not devote any paragraphs to “background.” Assume that your reader already has a “wikipedia-level” acquaintance with the history.
This paper is 8-pages long, double-spaced. It is designed to be the length suitable for undergraduate conference presentations.
In addition to the 8-page paper; students will also submit the following:
Abstract (1/2 page)
Bibliography (format: Turabian or Chicago Manual of Style)
Endnotes (Endnotes are like footnotes, except that they are cited at the end of the paper, not at the bottom of the page.)
Zotero is recommended as a bibliographic manager software, but it not required. Please see the attached file for the full rubric