Which of these syllogisms is sound?
Consider the following arguments
All chickens have feathers.
This animal has feathers.
Therefore, this animal is a chicken.
All chickens are green.
No green birds eat pickles.
Therefore, no chickens eat pickles.
All chickens are mortal.
My pet bird Gilda is a chicken.
Therefore, Gilda is mortal.
All chickens are birds.
All ducks are birds.
Therefore, all chickens are ducks.
Floyd is a rooster.
A rooster is a male chicken.
Therefore, Floyd is a chicken.
- Which of these syllogisms is valid? Explain why these syllogisms are valid and which are not. For the invalid syllogisms, include the reason(s) for the non-valid structure.
- Which of these syllogisms is sound? Explain why these syllogisms are sound and which are not. For the unsound syllogisms, include the reason(s) for the unsound structure.
- The discussion of the syllogisms should use proper grammar and formal