What Professional Networking site do you think would be ideal to use to network with and why.
My industry/major is GRAPHIC DESIGN
Networking options could be Social media (Twitter), LinkedIn, Monthly local AIGA socials
(A) Look over all the social media platforms that you think would be ideal for networking in your industry. These can be Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, ArtStation, etc. You do not need to create a social media network for this assignment.
(B) If you currently are using social media to network look to see if you have any incriminating pictures or posts that are not of a professional manner. If you choose to keep those on your page make sure your privacy settings are set to friends only. That is a question the HR recruiters are asking themselves. This goes for all of your Social Media accounts.
(A) Look over all the social media platforms that you think would be ideal for networking in your industry. These can be Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, ArtStation, etc. You do not need to create a social media network for this assignment.
(B) If you currently are using social media to network look to see if you have any incriminating pictures or posts that are not of a professional manner. If you choose to keep those on your page make sure your privacy settings are set to friends only. That is a question the HR recruiters are asking themselves. This goes for all of your Social Media accounts.
(C) Write a networking plan for your career. Make sure you cover some of the following 4 questions; Add your social media URL(s) link into your networking plan. This is your plan should consist of:
- What Professional Networking site (social media site) do you think would be ideal to use to network with and why.
- What Professional Organizations in your industry would you like to join and why. A professional organization is a group that is made up of professionals in your industry and advocates and promotes that industry. Please make sure you research some organizations in your industry and choose one you found interest in joining and why.
- Where do you plan on making professional contacts (Meet ups, online, via your blog, etc.)
- What conference(s) you would like to attend in your industry and why. When do you think you will be the soonest you could attend (During school, after graduation, or after first job)? Conferences are big events, usually held annually, that are put on to help you keep abreast of topics, vendors, and trends in your industry. Research conferences in your industry and choose one you found interest in attending one day and why.
- Pick three items you can do right now to start your network; Here are some examples but not limited to just these. Again think of ideas that would work for you and your career goals. Some ideas are interview someone already in the industry, joining a local or online professional organization, asking to be mentored by a professional in the industry, or following professionals on social media.
My industry/major is GRAPHIC DESIGN
Networking options could be Social media (Twitter), LinkedIn, Monthly local AIGA socials .