What new terrorist tactics do you expect to see in the future?
What new terrorist tactics do you expect to see in the future?
Besides access to the internet, I can see and expect terrorists to use artificial intelligence and drone technology more in the future for their tactics. Drones are relatively cheap and are easily accessible in Iran, which we all know is a flagged terror state by the US. Between 1994 and 2018, there have been more than 14 terrorist attacks with drones, and the number continues to grow with how relatively inexpensive drones are becoming. ISIS has already used unmanned aerial vehicles to conduct attacks and the Iranian-backed Shia militants (ODNI, 2021). An attempted assassination of President Maduro of Venezuela occurred in August of 2018 with two drones loaded with explosives. In January 2018, 13 homemade drones also attacked two Russian bases in Syria (Pledger, 2021).
As technology advances with drone technology, their capability to carry more explosives, weapons, and even chemical weapons in more significant quantities makes the future of terrorism scarier. More efficient batteries and electric motors to gas-powered jet engines allow drones to be as small as less than 2 feet across or allow massive 8-bladed drowns that can carry upwards of 500 pounds. Drones can also be high-speed. Jet-powered drones can reach speeds over 600 mph and reach an altitude of up to 30,000 ft. Whether flown autonomously through GPS programming or under the control of a person and a remote control, the use of drones in more terror attacks in the future is almost certain (Pledger, 2021).