What is Native American Expressive Culture?
What is NAS? What is Native American Expressive Culture?
Write a 2 page essay discussing what you have learned from the readings, discussions, activities and lectures from Unit 1 concerning Native American Studies as a discipline. The essay should discuss methods and major concepts. This assignment is intended as an exercise to assess your current understandings of NAS and concepts. The essay assignments will be graded on three components: use of major concepts from readings, clarity in communication, and insightfulness. Please see the course schedule for due dates. All assignments must be turned in via Blackboard on the Thursday the week the assignment is due by 11:59pm or the paper will be considered late. Late papers are accepted for a 10% reduction, but must be turned in a week after being late. This paper should be formatted with 1” margins, written in Times New Roman font at 12 pt and double-spaced. Due 1/28