What Are The Two Main Characteristics Of Survey Research
1 What are the two main characteristics of survey research?
a large random samples and self-report measures
b self-report measures and face-to-face interviews
c face-to-face interviews and statistical analysis
d statistical analysis and large random samples
2 Researchers are most likely to use open-ended items under which of the following conditions?
a They have a specific construct that they want to measure.
b They do not have preconceived ideas about how people will respond.
c They want their data to be quick and easy to analyze.
d They are conducting their survey over the Internet.
3 Which of the following is generally an advantage of closed-ended items over open-ended items?
a They get more directly at the specific variables the researcher is interested in.
b People’s responses are easier to analyze.
c People can respond to them more quickly.
d all of the above
4 True or False.
Rsponses to open-ended items are generally easier to analyze than responses to closed-ended items.
5 The BRUSO model is a model of which of the following?
a how people respond to survey questionnaire items
b the process of administering a survey
c good survey questionnaire items
d none of the above
6 For most purposes, which of the following would be the best response scale?
a Disagree / Neutral / Somewhat Agree / Agree / Strongly Agree
b Disagree / Neutral / Agree
c Do Not Care / Disagree / Neutral / Agree / Care Strongly
d Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Neutral / Agree / Strongly Agree
7 A survey research randomly samples 500 white Americans and 500 black Americans. Which approach has the researcher used?
a stratified random sampling
b cluster sampling
c nonprobability sampling
d simple random sampling
8 What is the best way to address the problem of nonresponse bias?
a ignore the nonresponders when analyzing the data
b force everyone to respond
c do everything possible to maximize response rates
d write unbiased questionnaire items
9 Which survey type generally has the highest response rate?
a in person
b telephone
c mail
d Internet
1What is the defining feature of nonexperimental research?
a It is about personality and individual differences.
b It lacks the manipulation of an independent variable, random assignment, or both.
c It involves only one variable.
d It has high external validity.
11True or False
It is always best to avoid conducting nonexperimental research.
12.Nonexperimental research is appropriate when the independent variable cannot be
13.A quasi-experiment includes the random assignment of participants to conditions or orders
of conditions.1 What are the two main characteristics of survey research?
a large random samples and self-report measures
b self-report measures and face-to-face interviews
c face-to-face interviews and statistical analysis
d statistical analysis and large random samples
2 Researchers are most likely to use open-ended items under which of the following conditions?
a They have a specific construct that they want to measure.
b They do not have preconceived ideas about how people will respond.
c They want their data to be quick and easy to analyze.
d They are conducting their survey over the Internet.
3 Which of the following is generally an advantage of closed-ended items over open-ended items?
a They get more directly at the specific variables the researcher is interested in.
b People’s responses are easier to analyze.
c People can respond to them more quickly.
d all of the above
4 True or False.
Rsponses to open-ended items are generally easier to analyze than responses to closed-ended items.
5 The BRUSO model is a model of which of the following?
a how people respond to survey questionnaire items
b the process of administering a survey
c good survey questionnaire items
d none of the above
6 For most purposes, which of the following would be the best response scale?
a Disagree / Neutral / Somewhat Agree / Agree / Strongly Agree
b Disagree / Neutral / Agree
c Do Not Care / Disagree / Neutral / Agree / Care Strongly
d Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Neutral / Agree / Strongly Agree
7 A survey research randomly samples 500 white Americans and 500 black Americans. Which approach has the researcher used?
a stratified random sampling
b cluster sampling
c nonprobability sampling
d simple random sampling
8 What is the best way to address the problem of nonresponse bias?
a ignore the nonresponders when analyzing the data
b force everyone to respond
c do everything possible to maximize response rates
d write unbiased questionnaire items
9 Which survey type generally has the highest response rate?
a in person
b telephone
c mail
d Internet
1What is the defining feature of nonexperimental research?
a It is about personality and individual differences.
b It lacks the manipulation of an independent variable, random assignment, or both.
c It involves only one variable.
d It has high external validity.
11True or False
It is always best to avoid conducting nonexperimental research.
12.Nonexperimental research is appropriate when the independent variable cannot be
13.A quasi-experiment includes the random assignment of participants to conditions or orders
of conditions.