underwater archeology museum
topic: underwater archeology museum
7 pages with pictures(Figure 1, 2, 3, etc….)
7 Bibliography needed: I use my own modified MLA style, which follows for a book entry, the following format: Gurian, John G., Museum Studies, 4th edition, New York, 2007. I will be glad to guide you per your needs for non-book formats. Please note: I will also accept MLA and or Chicago Styles.
Footnote example: A footnote is always found on the page where citation is made. The style preference is as follows: Author’s last name, year of publication: pages cited, i.e.: Pedley, 2007:89-90.
As a general rule of thumb, here are, some steps you may take for a well-researched paper:
Here are some that I give to each and every one of my classes, including this one.
Every Paper should include the following:
1. Every Paper should have either an argument, a thesis or research questions.
2. Read both primary and secondary literature on your subject and find comparable material for your paper’s topic.
3. Create an outline for the paper.
4. Figure out your research question (s) and state it in the beginning of the paper and place the thesis within the existing literature. Address your thesis through both original and or even secondary research.
5. Come to a conclusion about your topic and fully support your thesis with cite scholarly research using footnotes.
It should be in 1.5 spaces, in 12 fonts and follow the preset MS Word page sizes.