The Value of the Old Testament in the Life of a Maturing Christian.
The Value of the Old Testament in the Life of a Maturing Christian.
The student will complete the essay topic below and submit a file in the Critical Writing format. This 500 word essay is your Final Exam and will demonstrate your ability to critically think about Old Testament content, frame your own thoughts and ideas as well as communicate those to others.
Complete the theme: The Value of the Old Testament in the Life of a Maturing Christian. This is your own personal thoughts on the subject. You will upload your file within this assignment.
Thank you for a great semester. This was a very challenging experience. Topics and content discussed during class were challenging at times but this is the only way we can discern God’s intentions. Christianity and life is easy as long as we continue thinking the way we always have, only critically thinking about community can help us discern how we are to respond to Him. Community is the goal of the God-life. It is the gift of God to His people and the grace of God to others.