The movie Philadelphia (1993)
Q1. After watching the movie, Philadelphia (1993), with Tom Hanks, explain how the film depicted the course concepts for the week and/or course and why the depiction was or was not meaningful. Identify at least two lessons learned that are related to the course. What suggestions might you give to the role players to effectuate different and perhaps more satisfying (or even prosperous) result? You need to include at least 3 quotes from the piece to back-up your arguments.
Q2. After watching the movie, Lean on Me, with Morgan Freeman, explain how the film depicted the course concepts for the week and/or course and why the depiction was or was not meaningful. Identify at least two lessons learned that are related to the course. What suggestions might you give to Mr. Clark to effectuate different and perhaps more satisfying (or even prosperous) results? You need to include at least 3 quotes from the piece to back up your arguments.