The Diagnostic-Remediation Packet for elementary grades 1-5 teacher candidates/interns/residents
The Key Assessment for this course is the Diagnostic Remediation Project. The Diagnostic-Remediation Packet (DRP) includes both formal and informal procedures for assessment for the practitioner teacher candidate/intern/resident. The formal assessments will include the DRA (Directed Reading Activity), the BEAR (Basic Early Assessment Reading) Initial Skills Analysis, the Brigance Screen, and some phonemic awareness assessments (i.e. PALS) and some phonics assessments. Additional assessments may include DIBELS, and TPRI. Some informal assessments include administering the IRI (Informal Reading Inventories), student-teacher conferences, teacher-made checklists and/or observation inventories. Due March 18, 2021
The Diagnostic-Remediation Packet for elementary grades 1-5 teacher candidates/interns/residents will include both formal and informal procedures for assessment. These include norm-referenced tests (i.e. Iowa Tests of Basic Skills), criterion referenced tests (LEAP for the 21st Century), teacher-made tests, portfolio based assessments, student self-evaluations, journals, and other indicators of student progress to help identify instructional needs. Various assessments will be used to include fluency and comprehension measures.
The teacher candidates/interns/residents then use the diagnostic/assessment procedures in their packets with a self-selected student (at the on-site school if possible). Based on the results of the diagnosis, the practitioner teachers design and implement remediation strategies for the selected individual students. Opportunities are provided for the teacher candidates to share the results of their Diagnostic-Remediation Packets with the entire online class. The teacher candidates are also required to critique various articles chosen from Reading/Literacy journals to reinforce and expand on information presented in the required course textbook. Practitioner Teacher candidates/interns/residents use the five essential components of reading for remediation activities.