Most of the major financial data sites, including Yahoo Finance, Morningstar, and Google Finance, let you view the financial statements. Most of these sites also let you easily select the financial statements and copy and paste the information into a spreadsheet. You may need to do some basic editing to the data in case the formatting gets garbled.
To directly download the financial statements to a spreadsheet, you can also use the Securities and Exchange Commission’s database of regulatory filings. Most companies support the SEC’s new Interactive Data standards, making downloading their financials to Excel especially easy.
Here are the steps:
- Go to the Securities and Exchange Commission web site.
- Click on “Search for Company Filings” under the FILINGS tab.
- Use either the “Company Name” or “Fast Search” box to search your company’s financial information.
- Look for the most recent 10-K filing. It should have an “Interactive Data” button next to it. Click on the button.
- Under the company name (Filer), there is a link to “View Excel Document.” Click on the link. The filings should open in Excel.