Strategic Leadership Report


Strategic Leadership Report

This three-section assignment is designed as a self-actualization exercise to help direct you toward the realization of your unique strategic leadership approach.

The following Course Outcomes are assessed in this assignment:

GB580-4: Develop a strategic leadership approach to motivate a team.

PC-1.3: Apply conflict management skills to resolve issues and/or build team alliances.

Using a report template, develop your deliverable in three sections and execute the following requirements:

Strategic Report Format

  • Use a report template to develop your Strategic Leadership Report.
  • Your Strategic Leadership Report should have a title page, table of contents, executive summary page, and reference page.
  • Use headings and subheadings to outline the required topics throughout your strategic report.
  • Design a professional report using images, charts, diagrams, etc., to aid in the dissemination of information.

Section 1 Requirements

Create Section 1 in your Strategic Leadership Report. Evaluate the results of your FLIGBY Individual Report by executing the following requirements:

FLIGBY: Corporate Atmosphere Results

  • Include a screenshot of your gameplay results for Section 2.4: “Corporate Atmosphere,” from your FLIGBY Individual Report.
  • Earn a “Corporate Atmosphere” percentage between 61%–140% as indicated in your FLIGBY Individual Report.
  • Using peer-reviewed research, explain how your managerial decisions have created a satisfactory atmosphere for all internal stakeholders based on your “Corporate Atmosphere” results.

FLIGBY: Profitability (Profit) Results

  • Include a screenshot of your gameplay results for Section 2.5: “Profitability,” from your FLIGBY Individual Report.
  • Earn a “Profitability” percentage between 61%–140% as indicated in your FLIGBY Individual Report.
  • Using peer-reviewed research, explain how your decisions improved, maintained, or decreased the profit potential of the winery based on your “Corporate Atmosphere” results.

FLIGBY: SUM FLOW Index Results

  • Include a screenshot of your gameplay results for Section 4.5: “SUM FLOW Index” from your FLIGBY Individual Report.
  • Earn a “SUM FLOW Index” percentage between 61%–140% as indicated in your FLIGBY Individual Report.
  • Using peer-reviewed research, explain how you effectively maximized the FLOW-potential of your team based on your “SUM FLOW Index” results.

Section 2 Requirements

Section 2 of your Strategic Leadership Report will explain the conflict management skills you employed in the FLIGBY simulation to resolve issues and/or build team alliances as general manager of the Turul Winery. A strategic leader must develop conflict resolution abilities to manage a team effectively. Based on the results of your role and experience working as the general manager of the Turul Winery in the FLIGBY simulation, complete the following inquiries.

Conflict Management

  • Using peer-reviewed research, explain why conflict management is an important skill for a strategic leader to master.
  • Describe three employee conflict situations that you experienced as general manager of the Turul Winery in FLIGBY.
  • Identify the employees and explain the motivation(s) behind their role in the conflict.
  • As the general manager of the Turul Winery, explain the conflict management techniques you used to resolve the issues and/or build team alliances in your workplace dilemma.
  • Choose 5 out of the 29 “Leadership Skills” from Section 3.2 in your FLIGBY® Individual Report.
  • Explain how each of your chosen “Leadership Skills” helped you negotiate the three employee conflict situations.

Section 3 Requirements

In Section 3 of your Strategic Leadership Report, you will realize your strategic leadership approach based on the results of your “Leadership Profile” found in your FLIGBY Individual Report. Develop a concise statement that describes your strategic leadership approach to include the following attributes in Section 3 of your Strategic Leadership Report:

Strategic Leadership Approach

  • Explain your strategic management philosophy.
  • Explain your approach to strategic thinking.
  • Explain your approach to strategic decision-making.
  • Explain your approach to strategic planning.
  • Explain how your strategic leadership approach will make you an influencer.
  • Explain your strategic leadership philosophy.
  • Include a brief professional ethics statement that supports your strategic leadership approach.
  • Describe whether humor will play a role in your strategic leadership approach.
  • Explain how your strategic leadership approach links to organizational priorities.
  • Explain how your strategic leadership approach builds synergy within a team environment.

APA Style

  • Apply APA style to in-text citations with minor errors.
  • Apply APA style to references, with minor to no errors.
  • Synthesize a minimum of three peer-reviewed, academic research resources.
  • Resources are from reliable and/or scholarly sources.

Writing Conventions

  • Writing is focused, concise and organized.
  • Articulate at a college level.
  • Few or no grammar or punctuation errors.
  • Uses non-offensive, inclusive, and respectful language.
  • Use headings to segment the topics in your writing in order to create a flow of ideas for your reader.




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