Short Guide to Writing History
History Assignment #4: The 1500 Word Research Paper
To complete this assignment there are three steps you should have already completed:
1. Read A Short Guide to Writing History paying close attention to the introduction, the first and last chapters and all the sections that discuss plagiarism. You must know what a thesis is, how to quote, paraphrase, summarize and to document your sources using footnotes.
2. Submitted a thesis topic and thesis statement.
3. Checked to see if your thesis topic and thesis statement were approved and may be used or you have retrieved your assigned thesis topic and thesis statement.
The Research paper: This assignment is a 1500 word research paper based on the text The American Yawp following the instructions in A Short Guide to Writing About History, among other requirement this means you are not to use parenthetical (MLA) type references, you must use footnotes, follow the examples found in A Short Guide to Writing About History. In this paper you will support your thesis or in other words take a position and argue to defend the thesis. Your paper will be based exclusively upon information from The American Yawp, unless you have also had up to five primary sources approved by the instructor, which you may then also use. You must use the thesis topic and thesis statement that were approved or assigned by the instructor. The due dates are listed on the syllabus in the schedule. Your paper must be your own original non-plagiarized work, plagiarized material will result in no credit for the assignment and the class and may result in suspension. Late papers will be deducted 10% of the grade per calendar day. Every paper will be checked by computer to make sure it is an original work.