Select a subfield of Artificial intelligence that interests you.
- Select a subfield of Artificial intelligence that interests you.
- Select a subfield of Artificial intelligence that interests you. Find an example of current work (no more than 5 years old) on this topic and research on it. Franklin’s library is a great resource where you can find many books, papers and conference proceedings in AI.
- For what you pick, write a summary report with your answers to the following questions as best as you can:
- What is the problem being solved?
- What approach does it take to solve it?
- Is there anything unique or different or special about this approach that makes it different from other similar approaches? (There almost always is.)
- How well does it work?
- Do they talk about what they want to do next, in terms of new functionality, or new approaches?
- The paper should be 1-2 pages, and should talk about these issues in your own words. Anyone can quote Wikipedia or a section of someone’s web page. What I want to see is you distilling the information and explaining what’s going on. You must cite your sources appropriately.