Reflect on the four categories of crises faced by boards of directors as outlined in our textbook Governing Corporations.
Reflect on the four categories of crises faced by boards of directors as outlined in our textbook Governing Corporations.
Read the linked news post below. Reflect on the four categories of crises faced by boards of directors as outlined in our textbook Governing Corporations. Answer the following questions:
· Name the four categories of crises faced by boards of directors as outlined in our textbook. Which type of crisis is the current COVID-19 pandemic? Provide a brief explanation.
· In the linked article, do you agree with the shareholder’s proposals for worker representation on boards of directors? Why or why not? Support your discussion with examples of best practices in board oversight/management from our textbook.
Note that this essay will be graded through TurnItIn and must be IN YOUR OWN WORDS. It should consist of approximately 250-400 words.