race ethnicity and power
750 words long (about three, double-spaced pages).
Requirement: That it be about:
one work of Latinx
: fiction, nonfiction, or poetry, and…
Option A: Compare
the work
to another work of
literature or art (by a writer of any ethnicity). And, in so doing, say something about the Latinx experience, or that of another ethnic group. I will attach 2 reading that I did in this class, but I think you can choose other latino literature.
Option B: Relate
the work
to an experience lived by
yourself or someone you know.
How you’ll be graded
Originality of argument. (Surprise me, teach me
something I don’t know)
Artfulness, intelligence, clarity, emotional power of the
(If you put a lot of thought and time and revision into it,
we’ll be able to see that).
(If you just summarize the work, you’ll be graded lower.
If you tell us something about race, ethnicity, power,
you’ll be graded higher).
bro those are the readings from the course. I recommend you to pick one from these 2.
And for the experience you can imagine the life that an asian living with a mexican-asian family in highschool. The husband is asian and the wife is mexican. you can say something about the culture shock such as food or habit. But the tone should be positive and shows appreciation.