Project management can be assessed as a strategic element inside organizations
As indicated in the brief you can choose a case study from: or one with similar characteristics from a reputable source of your choice.
And then based on the lessons and the reading materials you should discuss business cases in which: · The need for a project-based approach should be identified and justified as discussed in Lesson 1 · Project management can be assessed as a strategic element inside organizations as discussed in Lessons 2-4 The expected table of contents should clarify what is expected to be included:
· Introduction on the organization,
· project identification,
· strategic elements of the project identified for the chosen organization,
· justification of the project approach,
· conclusions,
· references
In brief: choose an organisation/case study, identify the need for a project, justify the choice of the project as part of the organisation strategy, justify why a project approach is the best way forward in the chosen organisation.
Students should apply learning from the module to business cases in scenarios in which:
· The need for a project-based approach should be identified and justified · Project management can be assessed as a strategic element inside organizations Relevant case studies may be found using own research via EBSCO and Google Scholar. Some ideas for possible topics include IT projects in the private and/or public sectors, construction projects, product/service development projects and start-up projects inside organisations. The assignment should include a title page (indicating the total wordcount) and a clear introduction on the chosen organisation/project. The assignment should be no more than 1500 words and should include references from peer-reviewed sources (i.e. books and academic Journals) formatted using the Harvard referencing style.