Positive psychological capabilities and moral reasoning
Positive psychological capabilities and moral reasoning
Sociologists use research to collect information about society and apply their findings to everyday life to better understand the human condition. Sociologists can investigate people in their natural environments by becoming part of their everyday settings to observe and study participants.
Imagine that you are a practicing sociologist who is researching the behavior of social groups in social settings.
Conduct a participant observation of a group of people on a television program or social media network such as facebook.
Station yourself to observe participants for 30 minutes of a television program or a day’s worth of interaction in a social media network such as twitter or facebook without interacting with any of the participants.
Use the Field Study Observation Template to collect field notes on the following data about the individuals in your observation, as you perceive it:
- Can you give an example of a trigger event that might ignite positive psychological capabilities and moral reasoning? How is this the same as or different from environmental influences in the Mumford Skills Model?
- Relational transparency is a self-regulatory behavior. How much of one’s negative qualities should a leader expose to others? What is an “appropriate manner” of sharing core feelings, motives, and inclination
- Can you give an example of a trigger event that might ignite positive psychological capabilities and moral reasoning? How is this the same as or different from environmental influences in the Mumford Skills Model?
- Relational transparency is a self-regulatory behavior. How much of one’s negative qualities should a leader expose to others? What is an “appropriate manner” of sharing core feelings, motives, and inclination
- Can you give an example of a trigger event that might ignite positive psychological capabilities and moral reasoning? How is this the same as or different from environmental influences in the Mumford Skills Model?
- Relational transparency is a self-regulatory behavior. How much of one’s negative qualities should a leader expose to others? What is an “appropriate manner” of sharing core feelings, motives, and inclination