Perceptual Mapping Analysis

AMN420 Advertising Management

Assessment 2: Perceptual Mapping Analysis Report Task Instructions

Weighting: 25% of grade

Length: Report should not exceed 1,200 words (10% over/under is acceptable)

Formatting: APA formatting of report and references is required

The assignment: Overview

The major goal of this survey project is to create a perceptual map(s). The construction of perceptual maps helps advertising/marketing strategists better understand the positioning of their brand and the positioning of their competitors’ brands in consumers’ mind, not the advertisers’ mind. Commonly, a brand’s position is the way in which consumers perceive the brand on features (attributes) relative to competing brands. However, the method of perceptual mapping is not limited to attributes. You may consider consequences, values, and others (e.g., feminine vs. masculine, usage context, etc.)

For the project, students are to conduct a survey. Each student is required to survey (about 10 minutes) about 5-10 adults who have used the product (Note: The target segment is desirable). Students are responsible to choose:

· 2-4 other competing brands in the product category, and

· 4-5 dimensions (e.g., attributes, consequences, values, or others) as evaluation criteria (more can be selected if you prefer).

Prior interview findings/insights and secondary research may help the selection of dimensions. Students need to provide their respondents with a participant information sheet. However, a consent form for them is not required. Students are to inform participants that survey submission is deemed to be consent to take part in the research. Upon survey completion, students analyse the data. Students are then to write up a report for submission of the assessment.



1. Before the survey:

· Purpose: You must understand the goal(s) of the survey: what is it you wish to know?

· Selection of dimensions and how many: In addition to your secondary research, review your interview findings/insights in order to choose dimensions (e.g., attributes, consequences, values, or something else you think important). Note that the dimensions you select are very critical. Perceptual maps that can provide valuable information for managerial/strategic implications in advertising require insightful or meaningful dimensions. How many dimensions do you need? More than five or six dimensions may not be a good idea if survey respondents do not have much patience. However, if you want to use more than five dimensions, it would be fine. It is up to you.

· Number of competing brands: You need to have 2-4 competing brands.

· Sample: N = 5-10 adults who use the product. The sample size will not affect your grade for the assessment, provided it is within these minimum requirements.

· Questionnaire development: When you finalise the dimensions and brands, it is time to develop a questionnaire (sample questions and survey formats will be presented in tutorial sessions).

· Paper-pencil or online: Either option would be acceptable. If you want to conduct an online survey, consider using Google Forms ( or Survey Monkey ( both of which are free to use. Since your sample size is small, the paper-pencil method may be easier for many of you.

2. During the survey:

· Thank the participant for agreeing to participate in the survey. Some example scripts are below:

Thank you for agreeing to participate in this survey. I expect that the complete process will take approximately 10 minutes. Submission of your survey is deemed to be consent to take part in this research (Note: you don’t need to collect a consent form).

· Give the following instruction before you begin interviewing:

There are no right or wrong answers to the questions that we will discuss. I am simply interested in your opinions and perceptions about brands.

· When finished, thank the participant for their time.




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