Opioid Addiction Crisis
Overview: Unit 8
Using the format provided, create a PowerPoint (or similar) presentation on a grant proposal application
you are tasked with submitting for an Opioid Overdose Response program.
Assume you are working for a 100-member public safety agency (police or fire service) within your
community and that the Opioid Addiction Crisis has resulted in 15 overdose deaths this year. A
$20,000 grant is available through the U.S. Department of Justice, which will allow your agency to
purchase Naloxone (Narcan) nasal spray devices for each member. The devices will allow members to
treat opioid overdose victims at the scene of the incident, potentially saving lives.
Conduct research on the Opioid Addiction Crisis and Naloxone nasal spray devices, including costs,
effectiveness, training requirements, and proper use and application. You must use visual aids to
enhance your presentation, which you will present to administrators in your agency and local elected
officials. Note: You do not have to research the actual grant, as it is notional.
Your power point presentation should have 7-12 slides.
Format. The following format must be used to create your grant proposal presentation:
Executive Summary and Research
• Introduce the Opioid Addiction Crisis problem and Naloxone nasal spray devices
• Provide information on your research into both, including facts and figures
• Describe the purpose and objectives of the program
• Briefly describe how this grant will help the community during this crisis.