Is higher education a good human capital investment?
PowerPoint Presentation
Students will present an analysis of a contemporary economic
and upload it to the forum discussion area. (Create a video of your presentation using
video creation software like YouTube, so that it can be shared with your classmates.
You will record video using your PowerPoint as a tool.
You will provide the link to your production and post it in the appropriate discussion
forum.)—I will create the video I only need the powerpoint for now. The presentation should be 10 – 15 minutes in length and contain no more than
10 slides. Students should use economic terms and concepts to explain their topics.
When possible, the following outline is recommended for the presentation:
An explanation of the problem/issue
The significance of the problem/issue
The costs and benefits of the problem to society
Identification of possible solutions to the problem/issue
The expected short-term and long-term implications of possible solutions to the
Is higher education a good human capital investment?
*** narrow in on this topic and also discuss vocational technical training as an option for higher education as well.