How do I relate my faith in a good God with all the suffering in the world?
How do I relate my faith in a good God with all the suffering in the world?
MLA style
1,500 word count (no maximum)
Five sources cited
Word count stated on the first page (five points deducted if this is missing)
“How do I relate my faith in a good God with all the suffering in the world?”
In these examples there would of course still be a need to cite relevant sources, give reasons,
and try to justify your views.
Characteristics of a very good paper:
Integrates personal observation and knowledge in an insightful way.
Provides concrete examples from the sources to support observations and
Integrates prior readings.
Uses parenthetical documentation (MLA style) to show how the sources are being read
and to document sources.
Shows tolerance and humility.
Has correct spelling and grammar.
1,500 or more word count.