How did the Coca-Cola Company try to bridge the gap between people’s real selves and their ideal selves with Coke Life?

Stories give action to ideas and place them in a context of use. Therefore, Storyboarding is an ideal way to visualize the experiences of people. Storyboards don’t have to be masterful pieces of artwork; they just need to convey a meaningful sequence of events. You will create a storyboard to capture your development through the course. Remember to think of it like a comic book. Your storyboard template should follow the general look, with a “window” for you to draw the action and a space for you to write in dialogue.  The simplest and easiest way to draw a storyboard is to use a pencil (or use post-its to create a new box) so you can erase mistakes and create rough images for what’s going to happen in each specific panel.  Show your progress and struggles in developing a multicultural perspective.  Don’t worry about it not looking pretty. The point is to clearly convey information, so panels with stick figures and simple shapes where everyone understands what’s going on are better than gorgeous drawings of people and images that don’t make sense.


  • Review the syllabus and slides on D2L to develop your storyline and reflect on your development through the course.
  • Select six (6) class sessions or moments which were critical to your development.
  • Create an overarching title for your story.
  • Determine images which communicate each class session/moment.
  • Draw the image in the box.
  • On the lines beneath the image title the class session/moment and share your thoughts, emotions and behaviors (if applicable).
  • Prepare a 5-minute presentation to share your story board. Be creative!
  • Every student will be assigned a classmate to ask a question regarding their storyboard (on the opposite day of their presentation).Stories give action to ideas and place them in a context of use. Therefore, Storyboarding is an ideal way to visualize the experiences of people. Storyboards don’t have to be masterful pieces of artwork; they just need to convey a meaningful sequence of events. You will create a storyboard to capture your development through the course. Remember to think of it like a comic book. Your storyboard template should follow the general look, with a “window” for you to draw the action and a space for you to write in dialogue.  The simplest and easiest way to draw a storyboard is to use a pencil (or use post-its to create a new box) so you can erase mistakes and create rough images for what’s going to happen in each specific panel.  Show your progress and struggles in developing a multicultural perspective.  Don’t worry about it not looking pretty. The point is to clearly convey information, so panels with stick figures and simple shapes where everyone understands what’s going on are better than gorgeous drawings of people and images that don’t make sense.


    • Review the syllabus and slides on D2L to develop your storyline and reflect on your development through the course.
    • Select six (6) class sessions or moments which were critical to your development.
    • Create an overarching title for your story.
    • Determine images which communicate each class session/moment.
    • Draw the image in the box.
    • On the lines beneath the image title the class session/moment and share your thoughts, emotions and behaviors (if applicable).
    • Prepare a 5-minute presentation to share your story board. Be creative!
    • Every student will be assigned a classmate to ask a question regarding their storyboard (on the opposite day of their presentation).




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