Hispanic Marketing in Online and Mobile Formats
Case Study 2.8 Hispanic Marketing in Online and Mobile Formats
Begin by offering an opening paragraph – discuss changes in demographics and why it is important for organizations to be aware of shifts that occur over time. Be specific. Use examples and statistics.
Question One: What are the opportunities and challenges facing marketers that are targeting the lucrative Hispanic market through online and mobile marketing? Provide a substantive response. Provide a minimum of three opportunities and three challenges. Use outside references to back your claims. Use the information within the tables, provided within the instructions and within this template, to help validate your point of view.
1. Provide narrative format
2. Provide narrative format
3. Provide narrative format
1. Provide narrative format
2. Provide narrative format
3. Provide narrative format
Are there differences regarding how you would market to this group online vs. mobile marketing? Explain.
Question Two: Use the information provided in Tables A, B, C, D, and E, to develop an overall marketing strategy for targeting the Hispanic market. Select your own organization (must be a real company). The strategy you are proposing will relate to the organization you selected. Use the data within the tables to provide support and for your proposed strategy. Explain how the organization you selected will benefit from your proposal.
Question Three: Use the same organization you selected above to develop an advertising campaign including:
· Overall positioning strategy and core theme
· Key advertising points
· Visual elements (attach a minimum of two examples of visual element you believe would be similar to what it is you are proposing.
· Key media outlets
Conclusion: (provide wrap up)