Google Analytics
Google Analytics
The past few weeks have flown by. You have just completed the GA tutorial when you receive a memo from Ying marked CONFIDENTIAL. You scan the memo to find a list of client questions that have been assigned to you. You are expected to use Google Analytics to answer the 10 questions in the memo by the end of Week 7. The Google Analytics demo account will give you access to data from the Google Merchandise Store, which in this project represents CompanyOne’s data.
Documents will be uploaded
The past few weeks have flown by. You have just completed the GA tutorial when you receive a memo from Ying marked CONFIDENTIAL. You scan the memo to find a list of client questions that have been assigned to you. You are expected to use Google Analytics to answer the 10 questions in the memo by the end of Week 7. The Google Analytics demo account will give you access to data from the Google Merchandise Store, which in this project represents CompanyOne’s data.
Documents will be uploaded
The past few weeks have flown by. You have just completed the GA tutorial when you receive a memo from Ying marked CONFIDENTIAL. You scan the memo to find a list of client questions that have been assigned to you. You are expected to use Google Analytics to answer the 10 questions in the memo by the end of Week 7. The Google Analytics demo account will give you access to data from the Google Merchandise Store, which in this project represents CompanyOne’s data.
Documents will be uploaded
The past few weeks have flown by. You have just completed the GA tutorial when you receive a memo from Ying marked CONFIDENTIAL. You scan the memo to find a list of client questions that have been assigned to you. You are expected to use Google Analytics to answer the 10 questions in the memo by the end of Week 7. The Google Analytics demo account will give you access to data from the Google Merchandise Store, which in this project represents CompanyOne’s data.
Documents will be uploaded