Generic Types of Business Processes and IT Systems
- Figures for Organizational Levels. Analyze the figures found at the following link. Use the information garnered in your write-up.
- Davenport, T. H. (1993). Process Innovation, Harvard Business School Press, Boston. Specifically, review the process type figure 1-1 on page 8. Retrieved July 15, 2017 from:
- Dickson, P. (2003). The pigeon breeders’ cup: a selection on selection theory of economic evolution. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 13(3), 259-280. Specifically, read the section titled “Vertical and horizontal organization of systems of processes,” pages 264 through 268, and figures 3a-e. You are NOT required to read the rest of the paper. You may want to keep this file for future reference.
- Wijnberg, N.M., Van Den Ende, J., De Wit, O. (2002). Decision making at different levels of the organization and the impact of new information technology. Group and organization management, 27(3). Pages 408-429. Read from the section labeled “Origins” on page 409 through page 415. Pay attention to the figures in between.
- Davenport and Short. (1990). The New Industrial Engineering. Specifically, read the section starting on page 18 titled “Defining Process Entities.” You do not need to read other sections. You may want to keep this file for future reference.
- Van de Ven, A. H., & Delbecq, A. L. (1974). A Task Contingent Model of Work-Unit Structure. Administrative Science Quarterly, 19(2), 183-197. Specifically, read all the material starting on page 183 and ending on the middle of 185. You do not need to read other sections.
- Kim, S. & Jang, K. (2002). Designing performance analysis and IDEF0 for enterprise modelling in BPR. International Journal of Production Economics, 2002, Volume 76, Issue 2. Specifically, read section 2.2. You do not need to read other sections.
- Mackenzie, K. D. (2000). Processes and Their Frameworks. Management Science, 46(1), 110–125. Specifically, read section starting with the label “Processes,” starting on page 112 and ending on page 113.