find a blank visual outline in the content section

Source use: All reports must use at least 6 sources from scholarly journals. ONLY scholarly journals may be used for this assignment.  Page/word limits: 6-8 double-spaced pages not including the References and title pages or 1,500-2,000 words not including the References and the title pages.  Genre: You MUST write in IMRAD report format (see student example).  Format: This report should be written in APA format. You will need to write an abstract as APA requires, and your report should have a title page, a title, an introduction, several body paragraphs, a conclusion, and a references page (see student example). Note that you should also be using headings that conform to APA format.  Style: The style of the essay should be semi-formal. That means that third-person (he/she/it/they) should be used as much as possible. First-person (I/me/we) can be used, but it should be limited. Second-person (you) and contractions should be avoided. Writing Task For our final major assignment, you will write a literature review report discussing how the journals in your field address a research question or problem. Sometimes a literature review makes up only one part of a report, but for our purposes, your report will be a literature review in which your discussion section will draw some conclusion about that state of research in your field and its limitations. Purpose and Audience The purpose of any literature review is to inform a professional audience of the key findings of the field with respect to some research question or problem. In the sciences and medicine, new discoveries are constantly being made. Literature reviews are excellent ways for professionals to stay up-to-date without having to read all the scholarly sources themselves. Since you are writing for a professional audience, it is expected that you will use some technical terms. Details and Organization The primary goal of this report is to bring professionals up-to-date on some important issue in your field of study–such as what the literature says are the best treatments for heart failure or how to treat a cyst pressing on the L5 vertebrae nerve root when the patient has comorbidities and cannot survive general anesthesia. You will need to give careful thought about how to organize your work AND what details you provide. Some key elements of a good literature review include: 1. A purpose statement of at the end of your introduction (see student example); 2. Headings and topic sentences that organize the literature by TOPIC (see student example); 3. Details that summarize the methods, results, and conclusions of studies; 4. Transitions that connect similar studies together; 5. A discussion section that summarizes the research AND makes a conclusion (thesis); 6. A discussion section that discusses the limitations of the research; 7. A conclusion that re-sums the points of the literature review. 2 Additional Components You Must Complete For This Assignment As with our previous assignment, gathering the right kind of sources and organizing the report will be challenging. For this reason, you will be required to complete two small assignments before drafting this larger one. Five Source Annotated Bibliography, WORTH 50 Points, DUE to Assignments by 11:59 p.m.., M 4/12 An annotated bibliography (see student example) lists your sources in alphabetical order using APA format style. Under each source citation, you will offer a short paragraph that summarizes the research question, methods, and key findings of each journal article. Please see the student example for more details about how to format this assignment. NOTE: Summaries MUST be in your own words. Visual Outline, DUE to the appropriate Discussion by 11:59 p.m., W 4/14 Like the graphic organizer we used for the last major assignment, this project will use a visual outline. You will find a blank visual outline in the content section of D2L. Before completing this outline, be sure to look at the student example (also in the content section of D2L). Format As already stated, the final product for this assignment will look like student example report provided in the content section of D2L. The only difference is that your title page should follow APA format guidelines and not the examples offered on the student example. Style The style of your report should be semi-formal. That means that third-person (he/she/it/they) should be used as much as possible. First-person (I/me/we) can be used, but it should be limited. Second-person (you) and contractions should be avoided. Grading In addition to the grading rubric on the syllabus, reports will be graded based upon how well they: 1. follow the assignment; 2. use six scholarly articles on the same topic (you may use more); 3. use a title page, a running head, an abstract, and a references page; 4. cite all quotes and paragraphs with in-text citations in a manner similar to the example paper; 5. offer an introduction that clearly states the document’s a) subject and b) purpose; 6. avoid errors; 7. use a semi-formal style that relies on third person (he/she/it/they) as much as possible and first person (I/me/we) only when needed. Contractions like won’t, didn’t, can’t should not be used. The use of you should also be avoided; 8. start each body paragraph with a clear claim (main idea) that guides the rest of the paragraph; 9. include enough examples and/or reasoning to back up the main idea of each paragraph; 10. make strong transitions between paragraphs AND subheadings (if used); 11. offer a conclusion/thesis at the start of the discussion section; 12. detail the limitations of the literature in the discussion section; 13. have a conclusion that reinforces the thesis. ˃ the files I attached below will help you on the assignment because they are sources you have used before and a small literature review you wrote the literature review should be written assuming we have a professional audience it should address the effects of acupuncture positively and negatively please use the instructions. the Apa style literature review attached shows you what the paper should look like but it has nothing to do with my assignment please take a look at it.

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