Explain your idea for improving a Dargean Grix process
Explain your idea for improving a Dargean Grix process
The video should be at least 3 minutes and no more than 5 minutes in length and cover the following elements:
- Explain your idea for improving a Dargean Grix process.
- Explain how your idea would help improve the process, department, or organization.
- Explain why your idea can help move the organization or department forward.
- Discuss what you are willing to do to support the exploration of the idea (e.g., research the possibilities, be the pilot test department, lend team members to the project development, etc.).
- Explain how these elements will help provide additional information or other possibilities for improving the process, department, or organization.
Your goal in the video is to sell the idea to your senior leader colleagues and create buy-in for exploring your idea and your approach.