Explain what regulatory authority will implement or enforce this health care policy.
Explain what regulatory authority will implement or enforce this health care policy.
The legislature through this Act intends to have a national policy of the Indian self-determination and attain quality health status for the target community implemented. The legislature will establish the governor’s Indian health advisory council. The Indian health advisory council will consist of voting members including; a representative from each tribe, a CEO from each urban Indian organization, a member from the largest house caucuses, and a member from the two largest caucuses in the senate, a representative from the governor’s office (Kruse, et.al. 2022). The other members are non-voting and are all representatives of state agencies, Indian health services, the commission, and the board.
This council will have the following responsibilities; do an assessment of the tribal implication which are not able to resolve at the agency level, oversight the implementation of the Act, develop a biennial advisory plan, and establish a reinvestment account for Indian health improvement. The council will have the responsibility to appropriate and deposit in the reinvestment account new states’ savings and maintain fiscal neutrality to the state general fund (Willging, et.al., 2021). Ensure that the funds in the account are only spent on issues pertaining to the improvement of Indian health with respect to the advisory plan.
The advisory committee can choose to appoint technical advisory committees to meet specific issues and concerns. The advisory council will also meet, and give reports and recommendations which aim at improving the health status of the American Indians and Alaska natives.