Explain due process procedures to follow concerning individuals with exceptionalities, and how the identified consequences align to these procedures.
Explain due process procedures to follow concerning individuals with exceptionalities, and how the identified consequences align to these procedures.
Use the “Classroom and Safety Management Plans Template” to complete this assignment.
Part 1: Classroom Management
Classroom Rules and Expectations
Using the “Classroom and Safety Management Plans Template,” identify three classroom rules or expectations for a classroom with 4-5-year-old students.
Include one rule or expectation in each of the following areas:
- Routines
- Relationships
- Field trips
- In 50-100 words each, create and describe activities to teach each identified classroom rule and expectation to early childhood students.
Consequences and Due Process
In 250-500 words, describe consequences for not following the identified classroom rules and expectations, citing the “Ethical Principles and Professional Practice Standards for Special Educators.”
Explain due process procedures to follow concerning individuals with exceptionalities, and how the identified consequences align to these procedures.
Part 2: Safety Management
Identity five safety concerns specific to an early childhood setting. Describe procedures, in 100-150 words each, to manage the identified concerns, including the roles of each stakeholder involved.
Support your choices with a minimum of five scholarly resources.