Ere this reaches its destination you will have heard of the terrible battle of Gettysburg and the fate of a position of our noble Army.


Read the complete Document Analysis #3 and write a well developed essay about the document. The assignment is worth a possible 100 points.  The narrative should be one and a half to two pages in length. The paper should be written in Chicago Style (12 Inch font — Times Roman — one inch border — page numbered with your last name

Document Analysis #3

Tally Simpson, a Confederate Soldier, a Recounts the Battle of Gettysburg, 1863

Bunker’s Hill Va.

Saturday, July 18th /63

My dear Carrie,

It had been a very long time since I received a letter from you when your last arrived, and I’ll assure you if afforded me much pleasure.

Ere this reaches its destination you will have heard of the terrible battle of Gettysburg and the fate of a position of our noble Army. I am a good deal of Pa’s nature – extremely hopeful. But I must confess that this is a gloomy period for the Confederacy. One month ago, our prospects were as bright as could well be conceived. Gallant Vicksburg, the Gibraltar of the West and the pride of the South, has fallen the victim to merciless foe. Port Hudson has surrendered unconditionally, and it is now reduced to a fact that cannot be disputed that the Mississippi is already or must very soon be in the possession of the Yankees from its source to its mouth. And what good will the Trans Mississippi be to the Confederacy thus cut off?

A few weeks ago, Genl Lee had the finest Army that ever was raised in ancient or modern times – and commanded by a patriotic and heroic officer as ever drew a sword in defense of liberty. But in an unfortunate hour and under disadvantageous circumstances, he attacked the enemy, and tho he gained the advantage and held possession of the battlefield and even destroyed more of the foe than he lost himself, still the Army of the Potomac lost heavily and is now in a poor condition for offensive operations. I venture to assert that one third of the men are barefoot or almost destitute of necessary clothing. There is one company in this regt which has fifteen men entirely without shoes and consequently unfit for duty. This is at least half of the company alluded to. The night we recrossed the river into Virginia, Harry’s shoes gave out, and he suffered a great deal marching over rough turnpikes. But when he reached Martinsburg, he purchased a pair of old ones and did very well afterwards.

Tis estimated by some that this Army has been reduced to at least one fifth its original strength. Charleston is closely beset, and I think must surely fall sooner of later. The fall of Vicksburg has caused me to lose confidence in something or somebody, I can’t say exactly which. And now that gunboats from the Mississippi can be transferred to Charleston and that a portion of Morris Island has been taken and can be used to advantage by the enemy, I fear greatly the result of the arrack. I trust however, if it does fall, its gallant defenders will raze it to the ground that the enemy cannot find a single spot to pitch a tent upon the site where so magnificent a city once raised, so excitingly, its towering head. Savannah will follow, and then Mobile, and finally Richmond.

These cities will be a loss to the Confederacy. But their fall is no reason why we should despair. It is certainly calculated to cast a gloom over our entire land. But we profess to be a Christian people, and we should put our trust in God. He holds the destiny of our nation, as it were, in the palm of his hand. He it is that directs the counsel of our leaders, both civil and military, and if we place implicit confidence in Him and go to work in good earnest, never for a moment losing sight of Heaven’s goodness and protection, it is my firm belief that we shall be victorious in the end. Let the South lose what it may at present, God’s hand is certainly in this contest, and He is working for the accomplishment of some grand result, and so soon as it accomplished, He will roll the sun of peace up the skies and cause its rays to shine over our whole land. We were wicked, proud, ambitious nation, and God has brought upon us this war to crush and humble our pride and make us a better people generally. And the sooner this happens the better for us….

Your ever affect cousin

T. N. Simpson




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