Do you think you would have made the same decision to stay with the company?
Ethics Assignment
Instructions for the assignment:
Part 1:
Open Ethics Assignment.pdf or Ethics Assignment.pptx
For each scenario (1-4), decide which answer best describes you and explain why you selected that answer. Number each scenario and make your response.
Part 2:
Read the Introduction (Links to an external site.)(pages 57-59) about Betty Vinson working at WorldCom.
Do you agree that Betty Vinson should serve jail time for her actions? Why or why not? Do you think you would have made the same decision to stay with the company? If not, when would you have left?
Type your responses in a word document and submit as a .doc, .docx, or PDF file.
Document Requirements: Use the Assignment Template.docx to type your document. Font (Times New Roman), font size (12), 1-inch margins and double-spacing is already set up for you. Your document length should be between 1-2 pages.