Discussions And Small Assignments/Marketing
1.Welcome your fellow classmates by posing as the Director of International Business in any foreign country of your choice.
Introduce yourself and then welcome them by telling them a few things you feel they should know about the culture or customs of the business sector in that country. These should be things that would require them to make some adjustments from what they are used to in the U.S.
This will require you to do some research into the culture and customs of the country you chose.
2.Doing Business With Other Cultures
Very few outside firms have yet to make a profit in China. One primary reason is that Western-based MNCs do not appreciate the important role and impact of Chinese culture. When dealing with the Chinese, one must realize they are a collective society in which people pride themselves on being members of a group.
Many in the United States believe that it is more difficult to get along with the French than with other Europeans. This feeling probably reflects the French culture, which is markedly different from that in the United States.
The Russian economy has experienced severe problems, and the risks of doing business there cannot be overstated. At the same time, however, by following certain guidelines, MNCscan begin to tap the potential opportunities.
- Post a few cultural highlights described from each country above listed.
3.read the case: Saudi Arabia International Spotlight span
- answer the two questions at the end of the case, using knowledge learned from the chapter.
Saudi Arabia International Spotlight span :
Saudi Araljia is a large country in the Middle East cover- ing 856,000 square miles. The country borders the PersianGulf to the north and the Red Sea to the south. About one-fifth the size,of the United Statos, its natural resouraesinclude petroleum and natural gas (among the largest inthe world), iron ore, gold, and copper. The two major holycities of Islam are in Saudi Aratria: Mecca and Medina.l?5
With just ovar 2’l million people, Saudi Arabia isalmost entirely Arab Muslim (approximately 90 percentSunni and 10 percent Shia). The county’s population growth rate is estimated at 1.46 percent. Additionally, thecounfy’s population is overwhelrningly (approximately90 percent) yourger than 55 years of age. According toU.N. reports, 30 percent of the country’s population con- sists of immigrants.r26
The country’s GDP in 2014 was tlS$746 bi11ion.127From 2011 through 2013, annual GDP growth plummetedfrom 1″0 percent to 2.7 percent. With low oil prices world- wide, Saudi Arabia’s GDP growth remains stunted atabout 3.5 perceni.128
Saudi Arabia operates its government as a monarchy, wherein the king makes all important official decisions. The king appoints ministers who act as his advisers. In2011, women were granted the right to vote and run forseats in municipal elections, though gender oppression isstill commonplace and integrated into the legal system.The country’s laws are based on Islamic 1aw with someWestern elements incorporated. For many years, SaudiArabia has enjoyed favorable relationships with many Western nations. As it is a large exporter of fossil fuel, Western natioRs are somewhat dependent on maintainingcivility with the Saudis despite alleged human rights vio-Jations. In recent years, however, the Saudi monarchy androyal family have been suspected of aiding terrorismefforts, leading ,to somewhat strained relations withcountries in Europe and the U.S.12e
The government maintains strong conffols over the coun-try’s economy, which is highly reliant on extraction andproduction of oil and gas. It is the largest exporter of petro- leum, is the leada of the Organization of Petroleum Export-ing Countries (OPEC), and accounts for approximately
16 percent of prwen petroleum r€serves. Forergn workers play a vital role in the economy, with more than 6 millionexpatriates empioyed in a variety of industries, especial$ construction afid manufacturing. The govemment is making efforts to diversify its economy by growing ihe private sec-tor and by seeking to employ more nationals, balancing theworkforce.l3o
As oi1 prices have plummeted, in recent years due to avariety of factors, Saudi Arabia and ihe other OPEC coun-tries have been keeping outprt levels relatively high,resulting in’huge losses. While the country can cover thedeticits for the time being, a prolonged period of low oildemand could have devastati*g effects on the economic health of the country.lsl
You Be the lnternatianal Management Consultant
As oil prices ,continue to drop, Saudi Arabia is actively seeking foreign investors to come into the country, espe-cially in sectors such as kansportation, health care, tour-ism, and building materials. The country has also opened the retail sector to companies seeking complete ownershipof their business, negating the need forjoint venture part-nerships. The Saudi officials courting foreign lnvestorssay that, despite falling oil prices, the countryls other sec-tors are still growing and provide excellent investment opportunities. Moreover, officials have said they are will-ing to discuss modifying any rule or regulation that mightimpede investment by a major fcreign company.l32 .