Discussion On Global Marketing
Make sure that you have a good grasp of the following key terms and theories:
- Global marketing
- Marketing mix
- Competitive advantage
- Product/Market expansion framework
- Driving forces affecting global marketing
- Restraining forces affecting global marketing
There is a saying in the business world that “nothing fails like success.” Take Gap, for example. How can a fashion retailer that was once the source for wardrobe staples such as chinos and white t-shirts suddenly lose its marketing edge? Motorola also fell victim to its own success. The company’s Razr cell phone was a huge hit, but Motorola struggled to leverage that success. Google acquired Motorola Mobility but then sold it to Lenovo in 2014. Also, Starbucks former CEO Howard Shultz warned that his company and brand risked becoming commoditized. And, as noted in Case 1-3 of the textbook, some industry observers say that Apple “lost its cool.”
For your initial post,
- Pick from one of the six companies named above. From a global marketing standpoint, use all the six terms or theories listed above to explain your analysis of their global marketing failure or decline. Throughout your initial post, bold and underline each of the six terms and theories you use to make them easy to identify.
- If you were consulted as the global marketing expert to make recommendations to management of that company, what are your top two recommendations?
Your initial post should be a minimum of 300 words. Do not forget to cite your textbook and any other sources used to support your ideas. You may refer to Ashford University Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.) resource.
In your initial post,
- Choose a global company and a single market in which it operates.
- Discuss the factors that constitute the economic environment of this type of business.
- Explain why it is important to understand when markets are at different stages of economic development.
- Explain how the World Bank’s four-category classification system, which measures gross national income (GNI), adds value to an organization.
Please discuss in 300 to 350 words. Do not forget to cite your textbook and any other sources used to support your ideas. You may refer to Ashford University Writing Center’s APA Style resource.
Question 1: Based on the written case, summarize/describe the major issues or challenges facing the marketing team and Disney’s management when planning and launching the new theme park located near Paris.
Question 2: Have any of you visited a Disney Park outside the USA?
Please share your experience with the class. How does your experience compare to the information presented in the case history?
Question 3: Based on the case materials, explain how Disney maintains a consistent global brand.
Response 1: how they project the brand globally. Each park is constructed with very specific care and standards. Even though each park is located around the world, each time that you walk into a Disney park you get the same sensation. As stated in case materials the parks have something for everyone. Walt Disney’s vision has kept going with authentic cultural touches and themes tailored specifically to the location. With the different lands, everyone of all ages is able to enjoy a piece of the park and let their imagination run loose. Everyone who takes part in works at the parks has specific standards they have to meet so that every Disney stay is the same anywhere you go. The company has mastered training its employees to the highest standards, being cultured and catering to the Disney magic and exploring people’s imagination.
Response 2: Disney’s marketing team and management faced many issues when they tried launching the new theme park near Paris. The first issue was the prices to enjoy the attractions and stay at the hotel. Families weren’t eager to spend the $280 for a day pass for the park, let alone spend even more to stay inside the hotel when they could spend less at one of the top hotels in Paris. Hostility also arose during the planning process due to the inability to adapt to French culture and behavior. The food and drink menu that was offered was another challenge they had to face. Disney was misinformed that Europeans didn’t eat breakfast so when restaurants downsized their menus, and a mass of people showed up in the morning to eat, they had to adjust. There was also a ban on alcohol in the park, which was a major issue since French people are the biggest consumers of wine.