Discuss the meta-analytic method

Question 1

Dr. Jakel is a psychologist who studies basic topics in psychology, such as learning, memory, sensation, and perception. Dr. Jakel’s area of specialization is:

A. biological

B. experimental

C. personality

D. clinical

Question 2

Joanna has suffered a series of personal setbacks, including the death of a family member, academic problems in college, and a divorce. She feels so sad, upset, and lonely that she is contemplating suicide. Joanna could probably best be helped by a(n) _____ psychologist.

A. experimental

B. clinical

C. industrial/organizational

D. educational

Question 3

Dr. Lopez assesses the correlation between scores obtained on two halves of his new test measuring the ability to cope with stress. He is checking the _____ of his new test.

A. reliability

B. validity

C. norms

D. variability

Question 4

Which statement best characterizes the evolutionary perspective of psychology?

A. Human behavior is best understood in terms of the individual capacity for growth, free will,  and self-direction.

B. To fully understand human behavior, you must understand how behavior varies among different cultures.

C. A given psychological process exists in the form it does because the process solved a specific problem of individual survival or reproduction that repeatedly occurred over the course of human history.

D. As medical and technological advances have evolved, the biological basis of behavior should be the primary focus of contemporary psychology

Question 5

Researchers interested in how sleep deprivation affected performance, randomly assigned participants to groups that had one, two, or three nights of sleep deprivation. They then tested their reaction times on a standard motor reaction task. The dependent variable in this experiment was:

A. the amount of sleep deprivation each group was subjected to.

B. how much sleep each group needed following the sleep deprivation experiment.

C. the reaction times of the three groups on the standard motor reaction task.

D. how often the participants fell asleep during the sleep deprivation phase of theexperiment

Question 6

Your instructor notices that in many of his classes, the longer he lectures, the more student yawns he sees. This represents:

A. a positive correlation.

B. a negative correlation.

C. a cause-and-effect relationship.

D. scientific proof that yawning is contagious

Question 7

After collecting her data and performing a number of statistical analyses, Jana noticed that the standard deviation was very large. This indicates that:

A. there was a relatively large number of scores in the distribution

B. the distribution was positively skewed.

C. the scores were clustered around the mean and were not spread out.

D. the scores had a great deal of variability and were not clustered around the mean.

Question 8

In Howard Gardner’s theory, distinct forms of intelligence include:

A. verbal comprehension, numerical ability, perceptual speed, and reasoning.

B. linguistic, creative, musical, scientific-mathematical, performance, intellectual, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligence.

C. linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist intelligence.

D. analytic, creative, and practical intelligence

Question 9

The development of medications that helped control the symptoms of severe psychological disorders and development of techniques to study the human brain contributed to the importance of _____ psychology in recent decades.

A. industrial/organizational

B. cognitive

C. humanistic

D. biological

Question 10

Scores on tests of individual differences, including intelligence test scores, often follow a pattern in which most scores are in the average range with fewer scores in the extremely high or extremely low range. What is this pattern of distribution of scores called?

A. the normal curve or normal distribution

B. the reliability distribution

C. the variability distribution

D. the standard distribution

Question 11

Jonathan is a very bright 10-year-old with a mental age of 12. If tested on the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, his IQ score would most likely be:

A. 100

B. 83

C. 120

D. 160

Question 12

According to Professor Zarkov’s correlational data, there is a statistically significant relationship between the socioeconomic level of a family and how much time the parents spend talking to their children. To say that the results of this study are “statistically significant” means that:

A. there is a cause-and-effect relationship between the two variables.

B. the results are unlikely to have occurred by chance.

C. the finding has no mathematical validity.

D. the finding can be used to generate new theories.

Question 13

Approximately two-thirds (68 percent) of all scores on the WAIS fall between _____ and _____, a range that is considered to indicate normal or average intelligence.

A. 100;150

B. 50; 150

C. 85; 115

D. 60; 130

Question 14

Fifty students took the midterm exam in Dr. Axelrod’s class. In order to get some idea of the most “typical” score, Dr. Axelrod added up all the scores and divided the sum by 50. The product of this calculation is called the:

A. median.

B. standard deviation.

C. mean.

D. range

Question 15

Psychologists who counsel students, perform assessments, and who help teachers, school administrators, and parents understand how children learn and develop are known as _____ psychologists.

A. school




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