Discuss Quantitative Methods
BA-3400: Quantitative Methods – II
QUIZ-5 (10 points), Due Date: Aug 4th, 2015
This quiz has a total of 20 multiple choice questions (MCQ) half point each. All questions are compulsory. Some questions have up to 5 alternatives, while other questions have fewer alternatives but there is only one correct answer. Consider all alternatives before selecting the best one in your opinion. You will have 60 minutes to complete this once started online to submit your responses, through the submission link on BB, with a maximum of 2 attempts to improve your score. It is advised you fist complete the quiz below at your convenience & time, select the responses and then attempt to submit the responses on line. Questions are based on sets of SPSS tables as mentioned.
SPSS Tables Set-1
Group Statistics
Gender N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
feelsafe Male 58 3.98 .868 .114
Female 62 3.50 1.020 .130
Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
Lower Upper
feelsafe Equal variances assumed 3.406 .067 2.782 118 .006 .483 .174 .139 .826
Equal variances not assumed 2.797 116.981 .006 .483 .173 .141 .825
1. What type of test is reported in the above SPSS Tables Set-1?
a. one-sample t test
b. paired sample t test
c. independent sample t test
d. dependent sample t test
e. unpaired sample t test
2. What are the respective sample means on “feelsafe” (Importance of Safety) for males and females from the SPSS Tables Set-1, when visiting a sports bar?
a. 58 and 62
b. .751 and .389
c. -2.118 and -2.065
d. 1.47 and 1.35
e. 3.98 and 3.50
3. Based upon the SPSS Tables Set-1, and the respective F and p values in the Levene’s Test for Equality (Homogeneity) of Variances between the two groups males and females, what should we assume to interpret t test for importance of safety, about the variances among the two groups?
a. Equal variances assumed
b. Equal variances not assumed
4. What are the respective t and p values for the difference between two groups in importance of safety, from the SPSS Tables Set-1 based on Levene’s Test for Equality (Homogeneity) of variance, in that order?
a. 2.782 and .006
b. -2.065 and .043
c. 2.797 and .006
d. .563 and .560
e. None of above
5. What do the respective t and p values for the difference between males and females in importance of safety, from SPSS Tables Set-1, based on Levene’s Test for Equality (Homogeneity) of variance, tell you about the differences?
a. significant difference
b. no significant difference