Discuss on Healthcare Management

Week 5 Assignment – Strategic Financial Analysis


The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with financial statements, the need to align the financials and the strategic direction of the firm, and the process of performing horizontal and vertical analyses of a company’s balance sheets and income statements.You will be provided with a scenario and a variances analysis. You will use the information in both to create a memo in which you demonstrate your audit financial statements and expenditures based on organizational priorities.



You’re a healthcare administration fellow at the prestigious Stanford Healthcare. You have been rotating through the various departments over the past nine months and now you have the honor of working under the mentorship of Chief Financial Officer Linda Hoff.Stanford Medicine includes Stanford Healthcare, Stanford Children’s Hospital, and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford. This organization uses an integrated approach to strategic planning, which incorporates jointly agreed upon strategic priorities from its various entities. It also ensures a high degree of congruence in strategic focus by each entity.Before outlining the strategic priorities for Stanford Medicine, it is important to note that a firm’s directional strategy comprises three discrete yet interwoven components: vision, mission, and goals (or, in this case, priorities). Armed with this knowledge, you have familiarized yourself with the vision, mission, and priorities of Stanford Medicine. Below is what you found.When examining a company’s financials, it is prudent to keep the directional strategy of the company in mind. After all, in order to advance many strategic priorities, which include fulfilling the mission and positioning the organization to achieve its vision for the future, proper management of the firm’s scarce resources is vital. Failure to properly manage the financial performance of the organization can compromise the company’s ability to maintain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.Our VisionPrecision Health: Predict. Prevent. Cure. Precisely.We will heal humanity through science and compassion by leading the biomedical revolution in precision health.Our MissionImproving Human Health Through Discovery and Care.Through innovative discovery and the translation of new knowledge, Stanford Medicine improves human health locally and globally. We serve our community by providing outstanding and compassionate care. We inspire and prepare the future leaders of science and medicine.Strategic PrioritiesA collaborative endeavor involving the entire community, the Stanford Medicine integrated strategic planning process yielded a framework that is human-centered and discovery-led, focused on three overarching priorities for our enterprise.By enhancing our strengths and achieving our goals in these priority areas, we will amplify our preeminence and remain uniquely positioned to lead the biomedical revolution in precision health, ensuring our continued ability to guide healthcare through significant global changes.Value FocusedProvide a highly personalized patient experience.Ensure a seamless Stanford Medicine experience.Digitally DrivenAmplify the impact of Stanford innovation globally.Deliver human-centered, high-tech, high-touch care and revolutionize biomedical discovery.Lead in population health and data science.Uniquely StanfordAccelerate discovery in and knowledge of human biology.Discovered here, used everywhere: advance fundamental human knowledge, translational medicine, and global health.Ensure preeminence across all our mission areas.

Week 5 Assignment – Strategic Financial Analysis


The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with financial statements, the need to align the financials and the strategic direction of the firm, and the process of performing horizontal and vertical analyses of a company’s balance sheets and income statements.You will be provided with a scenario and a variances analysis. You will use the information in both to create a memo in which you demonstrate your audit financial statements and expenditures based on organizational priorities.



You’re a healthcare administration fellow at the prestigious Stanford Healthcare. You have been rotating through the various departments over the past nine months and now you have the honor of working under the mentorship of Chief Financial Officer Linda Hoff.Stanford Medicine includes Stanford Healthcare, Stanford Children’s Hospital, and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford. This organization uses an integrated approach to strategic planning, which incorporates jointly agreed upon strategic priorities from its various entities. It also ensures a high degree of congruence in strategic focus by each entity.Before outlining the strategic priorities for Stanford Medicine, it is important to note that a firm’s directional strategy comprises three discrete yet interwoven components: vision, mission, and goals (or, in this case, priorities). Armed with this knowledge, you have familiarized yourself with the vision, mission, and priorities of Stanford Medicine. Below is what you found.When examining a company’s financials, it is prudent to keep the directional strategy of the company in mind. After all, in order to advance many strategic priorities, which include fulfilling the mission and positioning the organization to achieve its vision for the future, proper management of the firm’s scarce resources is vital. Failure to properly manage the financial performance of the organization can compromise the company’s ability to maintain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.Our VisionPrecision Health: Predict. Prevent. Cure. Precisely.We will heal humanity through science and compassion by leading the biomedical revolution in precision health.Our MissionImproving Human Health Through Discovery and Care.Through innovative discovery and the translation of new knowledge, Stanford Medicine improves human health locally and globally. We serve our community by providing outstanding and compassionate care. We inspire and prepare the future leaders of science and medicine.Strategic PrioritiesA collaborative endeavor involving the entire community, the Stanford Medicine integrated strategic planning process yielded a framework that is human-centered and discovery-led, focused on three overarching priorities for our enterprise.By enhancing our strengths and achieving our goals in these priority areas, we will amplify our preeminence and remain uniquely positioned to lead the biomedical revolution in precision health, ensuring our continued ability to guide healthcare through significant global changes.Value FocusedProvide a highly personalized patient experience.Ensure a seamless Stanford Medicine experience.Digitally DrivenAmplify the impact of Stanford innovation globally.Deliver human-centered, high-tech, high-touch care and revolutionize biomedical discovery.Lead in population health and data science.Uniquely StanfordAccelerate discovery in and knowledge of human biology.Discovered here, used everywhere: advance fundamental human knowledge, translational medicine, and global health.Ensure preeminence across all our mission areas.




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