Discuss leadership development plan
Use this gap analysis instrument to self-evaluate your course-related knowledge and skills before beginning work on the other projects in this course. Submit your preliminary gap analysis in the designated drop box for Project 1.
In the next step, you will review your leadership development plan.
Step 3: Review Your LDP and Complete Your GAP Questionnaire
Review the LDP (for personal effectiveness) you completed at the end of MBA 620, highlighting the activities you have completed successfully in green and those remaining in yellow. Post this copy of your LDP to the designated drop box for Project 1.
Assess your global mindset by completing the Global Attitude Protocol (GAP) questionnaire. The questionnaire is available online without a fee from the author, Pankaj Ghemawat.
To locate the survey, conduct the following search: pankaj ghemawat tools
Click on: Pankaj Ghemawat – Tools
Click on: Gap Survey – Take the Global Attitude Protocol (GAP) Survey.
Before you go on to the next step, you should also read and start thinking about Managing in a Global Environment.
You will begin the next step in Week 10 of the course, when you are ready to retake the Global Attitude Protocol questionnaire and assess how your studies during this course have affected your answers.
Step 4: Reassess Your Global Attitude Protocol Results
In Week 10, reassess your global mindset by retaking the Global Attitude Protocol (GAP) questionnaire. The questionnaire is available online without a fee from the author, Pankaj Ghemawat. Compare your results to the results you received in Week 1, and write a short reflection (250 words) on how the material you studied during this course has caused you think differently about aspects of global culture. Review Managing in a Global Environment if needed. Post your reflection to the Project 1 drop box.
In the next step, you will complete your end-of-course gap analysis.
Step 5: Complete Your End-of-Course Gap Analysis
Complete your end-of-course gap analysis using the same instrument you used in Week 1. Include a maximum 250-word summary of the lessons you learned by completing this gap analysis.
In the next step, you will revise your Leadership Development Plan.
Step 6: Revise Your Leadership Development Plan (LDP)
Using feedback from faculty combined with self-reflection, review and revise your LDP (for personal effectiveness). Include a maximum 250-word discussion about the implications for your SMART goals, career aspirations, and priorities going forward.
In the next step, you will submit your work.
Step 7: Submit Your Work
Make a note of the recommended delivery dates in the table below. Since the purpose of this project is to assess your development, it’s important that you follow the suggested timeline. You will receive feedback on all deliverables in Week 11.