Discuss Democratic style
1 . Which of the following describes the leadership style in which a leader tends to centralize authority, dictate work methods, make unilateral decisions, and limit employee participation?
A. Cultural style
B. Autocratic style
C. Democratic style
D. Laissez-faire style
2 . The ________ style of leadership describes a leader who tends to value employee participation, including in such areas as decision making and deciding on work methods and goals.
A. cultural
B. autocratic
C. democratic
D. laissez-faire
3 . Which of the following describes the leadership style in which the leader generally gives the group complete freedom to make decisions and complete the work in whatever way it sees fit?
A. Cultural style
B. Autocratic style
C. Democratic style
D. Laissez-faire style
4 . The ________ model proposed that the results of the least-preferred coworker questionnaire could determine whether someone was relationship or task oriented, and these results would determine effectiveness of group performance.
A. Fiedler contingency
B. situational leadership
C. leader participation
D. path-goal
5 . Which leadership model proposed that the final component in the model is the four stages of follower readiness, and different levels of follower readiness call for a different leader–follower relationship?
A. Path-goal model
B. The Fiedler model
C. Charismatic-visionary leadership
D. Situational leadership
6 . According to Hersey and Blanchard, a low task–high relationship situation calls for the ________ leadership style.
A. delegating
B. telling
C. participating
D. selling
7 . When Alan Jackman got promoted as the head of the sales team at Mac Software Inc., he chose three of his closest friends in the team to form the core sales group with him. Which of the following predictions would be consistent with the leader-member exchange theory?
A. Such an arrangement eventually becomes unstable.
B. Job satisfaction is more likely to be higher for the team members who are not a part of the core group.
C. Team members who are not a part of Alan’s core group are actually far more competent than his friends who form the core team.
D. Alan’s core group will engage in more helping or citizenship behaviors at work.
8 . Which of the following is an accurate statement about managers transferring into the role of effective team leaders?
A. They will instinctively know how to effectively lead a team to success.
B. They will be able to apply command-and-control type functions that were used in the past.
C. They may try to retain too much control at a time when team members need more autonomy.
D. Team leadership will come naturally to them.
9 . Rachel Keller’s colleagues and subordinates have a high regard for her. They know that Rachel can help them meet their goals, and she is always willing to reward them when they do. What her subordinates like best about Rachel is that they know she appreciates their work by the team lunches she often holds. Which of the following best describes Rachel’s leadership style?
A. Transactional
B. Charismatic
C. Trait
D. Transformational