Develop a Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) Paper for a supply chain of an organization of your choice from any time period
Dr. Ernest L. Hughes: Jan 1, 2020, version 1.0
This is a list of library tools to help you complete your research for the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)
assignment for this course. The assignment’s instructions from the classroom have been broken into steps (left column),
with helpful library FAQs, guides, etc. to the right of each step.
Assignment Instructions from Classroom
Develop a Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) Paper for a supply chain of an organization of your choice from any time period: past, present or future. This is a three-part submission which will be delivered on separate weeks (uploaded to Assignments). Do not include any secure, confidential or private information in your plan. Your TIP
should include background about the organization, its products and services, markets, and supply chain strategies (e.g., green chain). Also describe its current freight flows and future freight flows after implementation of one or more
of your recommended transportation improvement projects would be executed. Use a multi-year (more than one year) planning horizon. Support your Plan with theories, concepts, and best practices from the course resources and scholarly resources available from the APUS Library.
· -Week 3-Part 1 is the topic of your plan. This should be a minimum of 300 words. Also include title page, reference page, and use APA Style.
-Week 4-Part 2 is a detailed outline of your plan. This is a minimum of 150 words per outline subheading. Also include title page, reference page, and use APA Style.
· -Week 6-Part 3 is the detailed outline of your plan but with a minimum of facts and information from three peer-
reviewed or other journal sources from the APUS library or Internet sites provided in this course. This is a minimum 3 pages of written copy or content. Also include title page, reference page, and use APA Style.
-Week 8-Final Paper: Minimum of 15 and maximum of 20 pages, including title page and bibliography, Word, APA Style.
Example Template for the TIP Paper:
1. Demographic information about the organization: industry classification; markets, locations, # of employees, products & services, suppliers, other pertinent information
2. How does this supply chain support the organization’s strategic goals?
3. What are the strengths of this supply chain?
4. What are the weaknesses of this supply chain?
5. What metrics does the organization utilize for its supply chain?
6. What transportation initiatives and innovations has it implemented?
7. What transportation initiatives and innovations should it consider?
8. What should be the next step be to improve the supply chain?
9. Provide details to support your conclusions as necessary.
You may find it useful to compare the supply chain you are analyzing to an exemplar, standard, or benchmark.
Dr. Ernest L. Hughes: Jan 1, 2020, version 1.0
Assignment Instructions Related APUS Library Resources
Week 3 – Part 1 is the topic of your plan. Choose a topic that is related to the course.
How can I choose a topic for my research paper?
I need some background information on my topic. Where should I look?
Week 4-Part 2 is a detailed outline of your plan. You must use the APUS library to find at least three relevant scholarly articles, books and/or authoritative websites to thoroughly explore the topic.
Use only articles, books, etc. that were published within the last ten years.
Welcome to the Transportation and Logistics Management Program Guide:
How can I pick the best keywords to use when researching my topic?
What does “scholarly” mean?
How do I find peer-reviewed or scholarly articles?
How do I limit my searches by date?
Ask a librarian for help if you get stuck!
Week 6-Part 3 is the detailed outline of your but with a minimum of facts and information from three peer-reviewed or other journal sources.
As you read your sources and think about
how you might use them in your paper, be sure to take careful notes, so that you will have information from each at hand when you start writing. Stay organized!
Why (and how) should I keep a research journal?
What’s the best way to read a scholarly article?
What’s the best way to save articles for later?
Week 8-Final Paper: Minimum of 15 and maximum of 20 pages, including title page and bibliography, Word, APA Style Write your paper, properly incorporating the sources that you found during your research and citing them in APA format.