Develop a training needs analysis including task analysis
Develop a training needs analysis including task analysis
Answer this question:
Organizations often have data on file that can be used for the purposes of a needs analysis. Analyze the kinds of information that might exist in an organization and how it might be useful for an organizational, task, and/or person analysis.
The purpose of unit discussion is to have an open dialogue that helps to expand your understanding of the course material as well as demonstrate your critical thinking abilities. While less formal than unit assignments, your posts should be supported with scholarly research. Participation throughout the assigned unit is encouraged so that you can participate in the give and take of a natural dialogue.
Unit Learning Outcomes
- Develop a training needs analysis including task analysis, personal analysis, organization analysis.
- Evaluate the different methods and sources for performing a needs analysis.
- Evaluate how to determine the content of a training program.
- Evaluate relevant scholarly research and synthesize research to complete required assignments.