Descriptions of a disaster events
2. Disaster history (15 POINTS): Description of this type hazard in general. Past experiences with the same type of hazard in the country before the event. Discussion of the vulnerability analysis including: Physical, Environmental, Social and Economic vulnerabilities to this type of hazard in this country/city. Also add a summary table of the vulnerability analysis, like the example below. Provide both within this section. Do not include the definitions for each type of vulnerability in the assignment, just the analysis about your case.
3. Emergency Management (15 POINTS): EM national agency, mitigation and preparedness practices existing in country before the event. Who is in charge in case of an emergency of this kind? How resilient is the country?
4. The event (30 POINTS): (This should be the biggest section of the assignment) Timeline of the event, description of the disaster event, government response, detailed disaster consequences (economic, social, physical and environmental).
5. Reconstruction or Recovery (10 POINTS): responsible agencies, specific actions and timelines. Debris management, clean up, reconstruction of housing, infrastructure, economic activity recovery, loans and psychological/medical support for survivors etc. Are they recovered? What is the situation today?
6. Lessons learned (10 POINTS): Changes in policy or practices? Takeaways from this experience in country.
7. Reference list in APA style
Assignment format (10 POINTS):
- Times New Roman, Font Size 12, SINGLE SPACE. 1 Inch margins.