Describe the relationship between engagement and motivation.

Please let me know if you are unable to do this assignment. If you are having trouble accessing any part of the assignment or resources please let me know. This is due ASAP or by Jan 7th. Attach Turnitin report please. Please use in text citations on all work. Please see attached.

1. Describe the relationship between engagement and motivation. Discuss how individual experiences, culture, language development, and mild to moderate disabilities affect a student’s intrinsic motivation and the ability to initiate and maintain engagement in the classroom environment. (250-300 words and two references)

2. How does this verse relate to teachers developing a positive classroom management plan and introducing it during the first week of school?

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it” (Proverbs 22:6, NIV). (250-300 words and two references)

3. Explain how a teacher’s personal beliefs and values can influence the classroom climate, and how he or she manages students, including problem behaviors. Include specific examples. (250-300 words and two references)

4.  How can guidelines and rules in a classroom use positive behavior supports instead of punishment while teaching students to interact in socially responsible ways? (250-300 words and two references)

5.What are self-determination skills? Provide one recommended motivational strategy to use during academic instruction to promote self-determination skills in students. Rationalize your choice. (250-300 words and two references)

6. Discuss Kagan’s four elements for successful cooperative learning. Citing Kagan, describe how teachers can hold individuals and groups accountable during group projects. Be specific. How could you, in your future professional practice, use Kagan’s elements for successful cooperative learning? (250-300 words and two references)

7. Discuss the relationship between building rapport and mutual respect with students to build a positive safe, productive learning environment. Why is it important to have a strong classroom management plan and where does building positive relationships with students help your plan? (250-300 words and two references)

Resources: Q1&2Noncontingent Reinforcement: Enriching the Classroom Environment to Reduce Problem Behaviors

Read “Noncontingent Reinforcement: Enriching the Classroom Environment to Reduce Problem Behaviors,” by Coy & Kostewicz,

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Evaluating Technology-Based Self-Monitoring as a Tier 2 Intervention across Middle School

Read “Evaluating Technology-Based Self-Monitoring as a Tier 2 Intervention across Middle School,” by Bruhn, Woods-Groves, Fer

… Read More

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports of Arizona

View “What is PBIS?” and the “PBIS Impacts Climate, Culture and Safety” videos, located on the Positive Behavior

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Behavior Management: Principles and Practices of Positive Behavior Supports

Read Chapters 1 and 2.

View Resource

Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support Practices: Review of Studies in the “Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions”

Read “Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support Practices: Review of Studies in the ‘Journal of Positive Behav

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Classroom PBIS

Explore “Classroom PBIS,” located on the Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports website.

PBIS History

Read “PBIS History,” located on the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports of Arizona website (2013).

Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work

Read “Statement on the Integration of Faith and Word,” located on the GCU website.

So, That is What You Said?

Read “So, That is What You Said?,” by Predmore, Kushner, & Anderson, from Journal of Invitational Theory & Practice (

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A Tale of Two Teachers | Melissa Crum | TEDxColumbusWomen

View “A Tale of Two Teachers | Melissa Crum | TEDxColumbusWomen,” by TEDX Talks, located on YouTube (2015).

Mindful Reflection as a Process for Developing Culturally Responsive Practices

Read “Mindful Reflection as a Process for Developing Culturally Responsive Practices,” by Dray and Wisneski, from Teaching Ex

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Behavior Management: Principles and Practices of Positive Behavior Supports

Review Chapter 2 and read Chapter 3.

View Resource

Leveraging 21st Century Learning & Technology to Create Caring Diverse Classroom Cultures

Read “Leveraging 21st Century Learning & Technology to Create Caring Diverse Classroom Cultures,” by Tarbutton

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Strategies for Teaching Culturally Diverse Students

Read “Strategies for Teaching Culturally Diverse Students,” by Burnette, located on the TeacherVision website.

Complexity, Diversity and Ambiguity in Teaching and Teacher Education: Practical Wisdom, Pedagogical Fitness and Tact of Teaching

Read “Complexity, Diversity and Ambiguity in Teaching and Teacher Education: Practical Wisdom, Pedagogical Fitness and Tact of Teac

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