Describe the relationship between continuous quality improvement and physician profiling.
I chose the element of energy. This dance constantly changes the type of energy throughout, as a group and individually. It starts with a very tight and heavy gesture with the two girls locking arms and “pulling”, while the girl in the back of the shot is using gestures that are free-flowing and light. As the girl in the back moves forwards and joins the two, the gestures change and become less tense and heavy between the two and tenser for the other. The energy of the gestures met in the middle of where both were at, it wasn’t exactly flowing and super loose, but it also wasn’t tense and heavy. Once the stomping starts and the others in the group join in, the energy is almost split in half. The legs are heavy and sharp with the movements as they stomp to the same beat, while their arms are flowing lightly all in the same way. A few seconds after the beginning of them all joining, the hand movements do become heavier and sharper. It’s almost as if they are pushing outwards, the hand gestures aren’t necessarily a sharp dynamic, but they also aren’t light. They’re tensley flowing. This dance shows a good example of how the choreographer changed up the energy and used so many different techniques and gestures within one dance.