. Describe some of the broader qualities of and key people within the dynasties in which they ruled.
Compare the rise to power, the rule and the legacy of two different emperors. Describe some of the broader qualities of and key people within the dynasties in which they ruled. Draw explicit comparisons to the current rule of Xi Jinping,
Grading Rubric
Organisation and Clarity
Very High- Paper demonstrates concise and consistent writing. Transitions between ideas are handled well. Formatting is appropriate and writing is free of grammar and spelling errors.
Paper is well organized and clear. Grammar or spelling errors are minor
Adequate –
Paper is somewhat organized and clear. Errors do not overly detract from overall ideas. Could have used better transitions between ideas. Grammar or spelling errors suggest more editing would have helped.
Needs Improvement – Writing needs outside support. The main ideas are getting lost because of the grammar and spelling errors.
Issue Identification
Very High- Presents an accurate and detailed description of a variety of problems and opportunities that are compelling and insightful.
Good –
Most Major issues are identified and there is some evidence of ideas, which are explored in notable detail
Adequate –
Some major issues are identified and adequately discussed.
Needs Improvement – One or two major ideas are identified, but there is only a surface discussion of these major ideas occurs.
Fail –
Issue Analysis
Very High – Presents an insightful and thorough analysis of all identified issues. Includes all necessary points of comparison.
Good – Presents interesting analysis of some the issues identified, evidencing some important points of comparison.
Adequate- Presents an adequate analysis of a few of the issues identified, but lacks depth in some areas. Is missing a number of necessary points of comparison.
Needs Improvement – The level of analysis could use better framing and more depth. Factual support for the analysis is omitted.
Fail –
Use of course concepts
Very High – Demonstrates complete command of tools and concepts from the course. Makes appropriate and powerful connections between identified issues and the strategic concepts studied in the course readings and class lectures.
Good –
Evidences strong ability of some tools and concepts from the course as well as a general facility with other material. Makes solid connections between identified issues and the strategic concepts studied in the course readings and class lectures.
Adequate – Demonstrates sufficient command of tools and concepts from the course. Makes some connections between identified issues and the strategic concepts studied in the course readings and class lectures but leaves other important areas unexplored.
Needs Improvement – Makes only a few, if any, connections between identified issues and concepts from course readings and class lectures.
Fail –
Very High – Unique insights with strong arguments based on the analysis of issues and suggests anticipated consequences and alternatives.
Good –
Interesting views into the material that suggest reasoned arguments with some suggestion of consequences and alternatives.
Adequate – Ideas are appropriate to address some major issues, and are linked to the analysis. Anticipated consequences and alternatives are mentioned but not well explored.
Needs Improvement – Distinct ideas are not evidenced or are only loosely relevant to the identified issues.
Very High
90% & above
80% to 89%
70% to 79%
60% – 69%
Less than 60%
2300 words